Home / Our People
The Executive Team is responsible for achieving our strategic goals and making sure that we are operationally sound. The Executive team, which answers directly to the CEO, offers high-level guidance on important strategic and operational issues and supports the timely, coordinated, and cooperative implementation of Board decisions.
Christine Castley
Christine is an experienced senior executive leader, with substantial expertise in organisational transformation and change management, strategic governance, project management, policy, community engagement, operations and service delivery. She was previously Deputy Director-General in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Housing and Public Works. Christine is a passionate advocate for equal access to justice and services for everyone regardless of their gender, beliefs or circumstances, and to doing everything possible to help the most disadvantaged people in our community, including refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, to live in safety and to go about their lives free from danger or harm. Christine has recently been appointed as a member of an Expert Panel by the Australian Government to undertake a major review into multiculturalism in Australia.
Jo Nelson
Jo Nelson joined Multicultural Australia in April 2023, following a broad career in corporate finance, public health and aviation safety. An experienced, values-driven executive, she has led multifunction teams across corporate and business services, including human resources, information technology, business strategy, corporate performance, communication and governance. Jo is passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion, and is unwavering in her pursuit of client-centred service delivery to support our most vulnerable communities and individuals.
Jason-Olsson Seeto
Jason joined Multicultural Australia as Chief Development Officer in September 2021. Prior to joining Multicultural Australia, Jason was the General Manager of Membership and Engagement for the Queensland Law Society, ensuring community access to law services and access to justice, while engaging with regional Queensland to support the delivery of professional development, wellness programs, services and events. As the co-founder of Vocalise, a boutique outsourced social media engagement agency servicing high profile, Tier 1 clients, Jason brings valuable skillsets in communications and media engagement to Multicultural Australia. This experience, combined with extensive experience in Marketing, Communications and Engagement places Jason well to progress many of Multicultural Australia’s Strategic Pillars. Jason is a passionate advocate for Queensland’s multicultural communities and is deeply committed to building a fair and inclusive state for every Queenslander.
Heath Goldfinch
Heath is an experienced business partner who is passionate about using his professional skills and experience for the benefit of the wider community. A Certified Practicing Accountant, Heath has expertise in a wide range of sectors including not-for-profit, construction, publishing, engineering and telecommunications. He holds the role of Treasurer for a youth homelessness service and a Buddhist retreat centre. A devoted Buddhist, he has a worldview predicated on universal kindness and compassion. He is a values-driven individual with a strong sense of social justice and is humbled to play his part in creating welcome for new Queenslanders.
Rose Dash
Rose is the Chief Client Officer at Multicultural Australia. Rose Dash holds qualifications in social work and business, and has been working in the refugee and multicultural sector in Queensland and internationally in client service delivery, torture and trauma services, and community development for over a decade. Rose has a demonstrated history of working holistically and collaboratively with diverse communities, and complex, vulnerable, resilient individuals and families. She is experienced in developing organisational strategies and turning them into achievable operational plans and modelling for direct service delivery and community development. Rose is passionate about leading teams in best practice, creating moments that matter and impact for new arrivals through empowerment, opportunity generation, and building safe, inclusive, and welcoming communities in Australia.
Mellissa Naidoo
Dr Mellissa Naidoo joined the Board in August 2022, and is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. She brings extensive experience in healthcare and governance, having held several senior executive roles across the health and insurance industries, including Director of Medical Services with Ramsay Healthcare and UnitingCare Health and Chief Medical Officer for nib. Dr Naidoo is passionate about improving health outcomes in disadvantaged communities and holds a diverse non-executive portfolio spanning the arts, health and education sectors as social determinants of health and wellbeing. She is also a director with Metro Arts and on the UQ Senate.
Ed Box
Ed Box joined the Board in August 2021 and has held the role of Audit and Risk Committee Chair since November 2021. Mr Box has more than 30 years’ of experience in financial services and a proven track record in business transformation and building high-performing businesses. He has held senior executive roles in the banking sector, most recently as the Bank of Queensland’s General Manager of Retail Distribution. Mr Box was a member of BoQ’s Diversity and Inclusion Council and Chair of their Multicultural Council and, at CBA, he oversaw Migrant Financial Services and established their Multicultural Council.
Ben Bolt
Ben Bolt joined the Board in February 2023, after completing the Observership Program with the Board. A proud Bundjalung man, Mr Bolt is committed to amplifying diverse voices to promote social cohesion and equity. He has spent more than a decade in leadership and management roles within values-led organisations that provide important social services at scale, and is currently the acting Head of Human Resources at Relationships Australia.
Diaswati Mardiasmo
Dr Asti Mardiasmo joined the Board in August 2022 and is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. She is the Chief Economist of PRD Real Estate, where she leads a nation-wide research team, and is an industry co-lecturer and research supervisor for QUT’s Bachelor of Property Economics. Dr Mardiasmo is a member of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Committee, the Residential Committee 2021-2022 for the Property Council of Australia, the Reserve Bank of Australia Liaison Program, and she sits on the Board of Directors for UPLIFT Affordable Housing company.
Jessica Gallagher
Dr Jessica Gallagher joined the Board in August 2021 and is a member of the People and Culture Committee. She is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of External Engagement at The University of Adelaide, and was previously the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Global Engagement and Entrepreneurship at The University of Queensland. She brings extensive experience in strategy development, delivery of innovative engagement programs, and building highly effective global partnerships across sectors. Dr Gallagher is also a Director on the Board of the Kokoda Track Foundation, an organisation working to improve the lives and futures of Papua New Guineans.
Peter Forday
Peter Forday joined the Board in July 2011 and is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. He owns and operates a management consultancy specialising in leadership coaching and strategic group facilitation, and holds senior advisory roles with a number of not-for-profit organisations. Mr Forday is the Chair and a non[1]executive Director of Mental Health Lived Experience Queensland Ltd, and a non-executive Director of Mercy Community Services South East Queensland Ltd, Mercy Health and Aged Care Central Queensland Ltd and Mercy Community Services North Queensland Ltd.
Jamila Padhee
Jamila Padhee
Jamila Padhee has been working with people from refugee backgrounds, people seeking asylum and migrants in Queensland for more than 25 years in a variety of casework, community development and leadership roles. She is passionate about the potential for settlement and trauma recovery sectors to work together in collaboration to enable thriving, belonging, healing and justice for people from refugee backgrounds. Ms Padhee has a Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology).
Multicultural Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet today.
As the world’s oldest living cultures, we recognise that Australia always has been and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land.
We who come from many places pay our respects to Elders throughout all time and commit to learning from the knowledge, traditions, stories, spirituality, and experiences of Aboriginal people as we learn to live on their land.
We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past, and in shared hope for the future.
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