Save The Children’s ‘It Takes a Village’ program and playgroups are designed for refugee and migrant families around Brisbane. They provide positive playtime for children and their families.
They used to run a playgroup for these families in Multicultural Australia’s offices every Tuesday. Due to COVID-19 they’ve had to change up their service delivery, now offering playgroup sessions online.
Check out this behind the scenes of how they are making their videos, as well as a ‘make your own musical instruments’ demo!
Culture of Connection invites communities and organisations across Australia to record and share with us your unique experiences, your stories, your creativity and your messages of hope and resilience through these extraordinary circumstances.
Over the last 10 weeks, our Culture of Connection campaign has been sharing your stories to help keep our communities connected through Coronavirus restrictions.
These stories have highlighted the resilience of our communities and the innovation of individuals and organisations in supporting their communities through this crisis.