Our aim is to be here for the community through Coronavirus; to provide a platform for people to stay connected at a time when we are being asked to put physical distance between us. That’s why we’re running the Culture of Connection campaign.
But we want to know that what we’re doing is useful for the community.
We would be so grateful if you took a minute to answer 3 quick questions about how you are staying connected during Coronavirus.
When all this is over and life as we knew it starts to resume, we will ask another 3 questions to see how we did.
Thank you for your time and your opinion – we value it.
Culture of Connection invites communities and organisations across Australia to record and share with us your unique experiences, your stories, your creativity and your messages of hope and resilience through these extraordinary circumstances.
In turn, we’ll share them with our community of 40,000 people across social media and e-news. Your story might just be the one that gets someone else through this time.
Read our guide for ideas to share and how to submit your story.