For 25 years, Multicultural Australia has been creating welcome, promoting inclusion and fostering belonging in communities across Queensland. We are proud of the difference we have made in the lives of our clients from refugee, asylum seeker, migrant and international student backgrounds, and are excited to celebrate our achievements and impact with an exciting line-up of events, launches and activations in 2023.
Some of our exciting developments include Changing Conversations, a thought provoking four-part series unpacking issues that all Australians must grapple with to create a more inclusive future, the launch of our community space at the new Brighton Homes Arena in Springfield, and a wide range of stories that will explore the settlement stories of our clients and communities.
Sponsors play a significant role in helping us change the conversation about refugee and migrant communities in Queensland. By partnering with us, your organisation will contribute to more meaningful engagement with multicultural communities as we recognise and celebrate our growing cultural diversity.
View our 2023 prospectus now and email us at to learn more about how we can collaborate to advance multiculturalism in Queensland.