Culturally and linguistically
diverse people

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Our cultural diversity and linguistic support services

We support culturally and linguistically diverse communities in ways that are culturally safe, respectful, and inclusive. Our mission to advance multiculturalism in Australia fosters a sense of belonging for new Australians as they embark on their settlement journeys.

To ensure our team is equipped to serve diverse communities, all Multicultural Australia staff undertake cultural training that unpacks issues of unconscious bias, discrimination and safety, and equips staff with the skills to increase their cultural capability. Additionally, our work is underpinned by a practice framework that ensures our clients and community are at the heart of everything we do.

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Cultural diversity supports

We take immense pride in our team of Cultural Support Workers, who play a pivotal role in delivering culturally appropriate and sensitive support to our clients. Understanding and respecting the unique needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds lies at the core of our service philosophy.

In our unwavering dedication to cultural inclusivity, we also take special care to provide fit for purpose facilities – with prayer rooms – to meet the spiritual needs of our clients, staff and community.

Discriminatory language and attitudes that may marginalise people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds have no place within our organisation, as we firmly uphold a zero-tolerance policy against such behavior.

We actively collaborate with culturally and linguistically diverse communities and individuals through initiatives like the Client Voice Reference Group and Community Leaders Group. By fostering meaningful partnerships and advocating alongside these communities, we work tirelessly to amplify their voices and address their unique needs.

At Multicultural Australia, we are driven by a shared passion to embrace diversity and cultivate an environment of mutual respect and appreciation. Through our inclusive approach and commitment to fostering cultural safety, we strive to build a more cohesive and harmonious society where all individuals can thrive and find a true sense of belonging.

Frequently Asked Questions

Item #1

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo.

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Our Locations


Open Hours
Mon - Fri
09:00am - 03:00pm
Sat - Sun


Open Hours
Mon - Fri
09:00am - 03:00pm
Sat - Sun


Open Hours
Mon - Fri
09:00am - 03:00pm
Sat - Sun


Open Hours
Mon - Fri
09:00am - 03:00pm
Sat - Sun


Open Hours
Mon - Fri
09:00am - 03:00pm
Sat - Sun
Recognising the value of cultural differences
Help us help your local communities

Multicultural Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet today.
As the world’s oldest living cultures, we recognise that Australia always has been and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land.
We who come from many places pay our respects to Elders throughout all time and commit to learning from the knowledge, traditions, stories, spirituality, and experiences of Aboriginal people as we learn to live on their land.
We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past, and in shared hope for the future.

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