Diversity & Inclusion

Our dedication to diversity and inclusion is evident in the specialised training we offer our staff, encompassing cultural capability and refugee support, and in our employment of Cultural Support Workers who cater to the diverse needs of our community. We actively advocate for culturally and linguistically diverse communities, exemplifying our commitment to provide culturally safe and respectful services that uphold the dignity and wellbeing of every individual.

Through inclusive and collaborative efforts like the Client Voice Reference Group and Community Leaders Group, we ensure that the voices of culturally diverse communities are at the forefront of all our work.

Our flagship events – the LUMINOUS Lantern Parade and MOSAIC Festival – engage close to 30,000 Queenslanders in a celebration of Queensland’s growing cultural diversity and an opportunity for the broader community to learn more about individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Our newly launched Culturability Accreditation program is a framework for transformative cultural diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Grounded in research, community engagement, and practical application, Culturability Accreditation helps organisations meet the diverse needs of their staff, customers and the wider community.

We are deeply committed to reconciliation and respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live. We acknowledge the impact of colonisation, and tirelessly strive to create an environment free from discrimination for First Nations individuals and communities.

We create spaces for our LGBTIQ+ clients, staff and community members to feel safe, accepted and supported.

In our pursuit of an equitable society, we work to reduce barriers for individuals with disabilities – creating facilities and services that are more accessible and inclusive to Queenslanders with disabilities.

We believe that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves to find a place where they can truly belong and flourish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Item #1

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Recognising the value of cultural differences
Help us help your local communities

Multicultural Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet today.
As the world’s oldest living cultures, we recognise that Australia always has been and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land.
We who come from many places pay our respects to Elders throughout all time and commit to learning from the knowledge, traditions, stories, spirituality, and experiences of Aboriginal people as we learn to live on their land.
We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past, and in shared hope for the future.

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