Children & Youth Grants - Multicultural Australia

Children & Youth Grants

Australian Sports Commission
Closing: Round 3- 31 December 2021

The Local Sporting Champions program is an Australian Government initiative designed to provide financial assistance for young people aged 12-18 towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing, coaching or officiating at an official national sporting organisation (NSO) endorsed state, national or international sporting championship, or a School Sport Australia state or national championships. If successful, applicants will receive $500-$750 towards the cost of attending their event.


For instructions about this specific Local Sporting Champions grant, please read the Guidelines or FAQs.

For assistance please contact the Australian Sports Commission by Phone: +61 2 6214 1111, or Email:


Please visit the Australian Sport’s Commission Online Grant Application Portal to apply.

*Round 1 closed 30 June 2021.

*Round 2 closed 30 September 2021.

*Round 3 closes 31 December 2021.

Courier-Mail Children’s Fund
Closing: Ongoing applications accepted.

The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund was established to positively change the lives of Queensland children in need. Funding aims to support a range projects that benefit vulnerable and disadvantaged children in Queensland by providing them with a brighter future. .

Applications can be made online at any time. The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund Board meet periodically to assess applications.

In order to apply, your organisation must:

  • Be working to change the lives of Queensland children in need
  • Be a registered charity with the Australian Charity and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC)
  • Have Donor Gift Recipient (DGR) status
  • Have met all your current reporting obligations with the ACNC
  • Be of good standing


CM Children’s Fund – How you can apply


CM Children’s Fund – Apply Now

Please visit the Courier-Mail Children’s Fund application website for further information.

Focus: The Inclusive Kids Community Grants Fund aims to assist children who are disadvantaged, by providing small grants to assist with their day to day care or to purchase items that will create better inclusion in community life for these children. This Grants Fund is open to individuals aged 0 – 18 years who live in one of the various areas in which the Grants Fund operates (for details of these areas, click here).

Amount: Up to $4,000



Closing: Ongoing

Focus: The Indigenous Youth Mobility Pathways project (IYMP) supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people who choose to move away from home to gain the qualifications they need to have a greater chance of obtaining sustainable employment in their home community or elsewhere. The project is aimed primarily at young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from remote areas ages 16 – 24 (participants may commence a course at any time before they turn 25 years old and may be supported until the conclusion of that course).

Amount: Undisclosed


Apply Now

Closing: Ongoing

STAS now provides assistance to eligible students on rail, bus and ferry services and through the payment of conveyance allowance to parents as a contribution towards the cost of transporting their children to and from school. It aims to help parents meet their legal obligation of ensuring their children are enrolled in and attending an approved educational facility

Amount: Undisclosed


Application Forms

Closing: Ongoing

Focus: For students or recent grad (within 1 year) who want to start your own company in advanced technologies (micro-, nano-, bio-technology, medical devices)? If you have an exciting idea, we want you to join ‘The Tap’s’ community of entrepreneurs and experts. Apply for a Tapping In grant from STC. You’ll get:

  • Free access to ‘The Tap’ for 3 months for up to 3 team members
  • Use our medical device business intelligence portal, CAD workstation and 3d printer
  • Connections to experts for mentorship and support
  • Participation in STC events
  • A focused opportunity to turn an idea into a start-up

Applications are rolling – apply whenever you’re ready by emailing a one-page non-confidential executive summary of your idea, telling us why the idea is awesome, and how you’re the rock star(s) that are going to make it work:

Closing: Ongoing

Focus: Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) is a payment of up to $1,500 to help eligible young people cover some basic costs as they leave out-of-home care. Talk to your case worker if you think you might be eligible as only a case worker can apply for TILA on your behalf.



Closing: Ongoing

Focus: The Local Sporting Champions (LSC) program is an Australian Government initiative designed to provide financial assistance for young sportsmen and women aged 12-18.

Amount: up to $500


Closing: Ongoing

Focus: The Youth Employment Program (YEP) is an employment support program for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are finishing high school and looking for work or considering further education. Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP) staff in your region can help you:

with your choice of career
link to job vacancies
connect you to culturally capable services
with pre-employment support such preparing resumes and for job interviews
get support for any life challenges that make it difficult to find work
access training opportunities.
Amount: Undisclosed


Apply Now

Closing: Ongoing

Matana Foundation

Focus: To create a more just society by giving every young person in Australia an equal opportunity to access the skills to negotiate life’s journey. Matana’s focus is on improving the welfare and wellbeing of young people from severely disadvantaged or marginalised backgrounds, or whose concerns and issues are not readily funded from other sources. Recognising that disadvantage takes many forms, we prioritise projects and organisations that address the causes of youth disadvantage by:

  • Providing programs primarily targeting school retention and increased education achievement for students who are at risk of dropping out of school or who have already dropped out. The focus is on early identification, customised learning and mentoring.
  • Providing programs that target employment skills development, employment and career pathways and transitions into employment.
  • Providing programs that target social and community connectedness, personal significance and social and emotional outcomes.
  • Providing services in geographical areas across Australia where funding is difficult to source.

Amount: $1,000 to $10,000


Apply Now

Closing: Ongoing

Currently Closed
YoungCare Ltd
Closed: Round 2 - 18 August 2021

Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants (AHCG) provide funding for equipment, home modifications and essential support/respite that is unable to be funded through other means (eg. NDIS). This funding aims to improve the quality of life for people with high physical care needs and assist them to remain living in their own home with loved ones.

The grants offer one-off funding of up to $10,000 to help those aged 16-65 with high physical care needs who are both living at home and at risk of entering inappropriate housing. Examples of grants that have been approved include applications for additional respite care, essential medical equipment, companion beds and air conditioning.

Top tip: If you are unsure about whether you can apply or not, please contact the Youngcare Connect team.


AHCG Guidelines & Information Booklet

For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact Youngcare on 1800 844 727 during business hours, or email and quote your submission number.


Youngcare’s online grant application service uses the SmartyGrants platform. Please refer to the  Help Guide for Applicants or Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) for further information on completing the application form.

*Round 1 closed 17 March 2021.

*Round 2 closing 18 August 2021.

Australian Government Department of Health and Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)
Closed: 7 October 2020

The Youth Action Project Grant Scheme (YAPGS), an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Health and FYA, aims to assist young people through the hardships posed by Covid19, natural disasters and ongoing challenges with mental health, employment and transportation. The program will provide grants between $5,000 and $20,000 towards projects that support young people (15-24 years) to develop resilience and recover from this period.

The YAPGS is open to both individuals and organizations, with two kinds of projects to be supported:

  • New projects that recognise and uniquely respond to the hardship young people are facing now and will face in the future, and
  • Existing projects that provide a valuable on-going service to young people that require additional funding to adapt or continue that work through the impact of the current environment.

The projects must support young people aged 15-24, not be commercial and should conclude by June 18 2021.

All projects supporting youth will be considered. However, those that focus on employment, mental health, transportation, the impacts of COVID-19 and the Australian Bushfires will be prioritized.


Please visit the YAPGS website and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  page for further information to apply.


The form should take approximately two hours to complete. The FYA recommends that questions are copied into a document to complete, as the form cannot be saved as you go.

If a written application is not accessible to you, the FYA is happy to receive it in either video or audio format. If this is your preference, please limit your responses to a maximum of two minutes per question and submit them in MP3 format (audio) or via a private Youtube link (video) to the team via

Queensland Government
Closed: Round 5 - 13 October 2021 (Extended from 29 September 2021).

Closed: Round 5 – 13 October 2021 (Extended from 29 September 2021).

The Return to Play Program provides FairPlay vouchers to help get children involved in local sporting activities. Parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child, which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers. 

1) You can apply if your child:

  • is a Queensland resident aged from 5 to 17 years (inclusive) at the time of application
  • did not receive a FairPlay voucher this year
  • holds, or whose parent, carer or guardian holds, a valid Department of Human Services Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it.

If you are experiencing financial hardship but don’t meet the eligibility criteria, you can seek to apply through a registered referral agent.

2) Search the activity provider directory to check that:

  • your chosen activity is listed
  • there is a registered provider near you.

Guidelines and Applications

3) Read and understand the FairPlay voucher application terms and conditions.

4) You will need a QGrants account to apply— Round 5 – Now Open; or Create an account if you don’t have one. Watch the video to find out how to easily create your QGrants account.

For more information, please visit


We who have come from many places acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land which always was and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island land. We pay our respects to their Elders throughout all time. We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past and the shared hope for the future.

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