Please note the Community Funding section of the website is currently under review. We appreciate your patience while maintenance is taking place. Please check back for future updates.
Jointly funded by the Queensland Government and Federal Australian Government.
Closing: Ongoing applications are currently accepted.
Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants are available to assist directly impacted primary producers and small businesses with the costs of clean-up and the reinstatement of their business. For further information please visit the Business Queensland Natural Disaster Assistance website, the Queensland Small Business Disaster Hub, or phone the Small business hotline on 1300 654 687. A list of current disaster assistance is also available on the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority website, or phone 1800 623 946.
Sidney Myer Fund, in partnership with the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association
Closed: 13 April Closing: Round 9- 10 March 2022 2021, 5pm
The Supporting Stronger Communities (SSC) grant program gives Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres the opportunity to access up to $10,000 in grant funding to target poverty and disadvantage in their local communities. Other local Community groups and organisations are also able to apply by forming a partnership with their local Neighbourhood or Community House or Centre.
Guidelines and Applications
For further details, please visit:
Suicide Prevention Australia
Closing: Applications accepted until funding for program is fully allocated.
Organisations involved in suicide prevention programs and services are invited to submit an Expression of Interest for a one-off grant to implement the first cycle of national certification (accreditation) against the Suicide Prevention Quality Improvement Standards.
There are up to 50 grants available and organisations can submit multiple EOI’s for each suicide prevention or postvention program or service ($1,485.00 per program or service).
The Suicide Prevention Quality Improvement Program Grant is open to any suicide prevention or postvention service in Australia. A suicide prevention program is one that is implemented to address, prevent, or respond to suicidal behaviours and their impact on people, families, communities, and the Australian population.
Suicide Prevention Australia partnered with people with lived experience of suicide, consumers, clinicians, service providers and accreditation experts to develop Australia’s first suicide prevention accreditation pathway.
In accreditation (certification), registration provides:
- Establishment of a database profile of the organisation
- Entering into a Client Service Agreement (Contract) with QIP for the provision of accreditation services, and
- Payment of an accreditation fee or grant through suicide Prevention Australia.
A registered client receives an accreditation Registration Pack, which includes:
- Registration Letter that provides a username and password to access
- QIP’s online self-assessment tool, AccreditationPro
- Access to QIP’s accreditation hub and QbAY, QIP’s online resource
- Accreditation Hub Guide
- SUICIDE PREVENTION AUSTRALIA Standards Self-Assessment Evidence Summary
- Access to a dedicated Client Liaison Officer (CLO)
Registration is valid for 12 months; accreditation is to be achieved before the registration period expires.
Further information on the grants application process and Suicide Prevention Australia Quality Improvement Standards are available at Suicide Prevention Accreditation Grants – Quality Improvement Program.
If an organisation is unsure if the program meets the suicide prevention standards or wishes to discuss any aspects of eligibility for the Quality Improvement Program, please contact Suicide Prevention Australia on, or phone: 02 9262 1130.
Please register your expression of interest in the Quality Imt612provement Program by completing the form available here.
Connecting Up Inc.
Ongoing Applications Accepted
Connecting Up provides donated technology products and services from companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Symantec and Adobe to eligible income tax exempt (ITE) Australian Not-For-Profit organisations and charities.
Webinars, online courses and workshops, designed specifically for the needs of people working in not-for-profits, are also available.
Links to further application information and contacts are available at: Connecting Up – Services.
Transurban Limited
Closed: 31 May 2021
Transurban Community Grants offer funding of up to $10,000 for projects that provide social and environmental benefits to communities in Brisbane near Transurban’s roads.
Grants are open to a wide range of organisations and initiatives, particularly those that encourage inclusion, diversity of thought and innovation.
To be eligible for a grant your organisation must have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. Projects must also benefit communities in a local council area with a Transurban road, including those in Brisbane City Council, Logan City Council and
Ipswich City Council.
Further details and a complete list of eligibility and selection criteria are available at Transurban Community Funding.
For application queries please contact Transurban by email at:
To apply please visit Transurban’s Online Community Grant Application Service.
Scanlon Foundation
Closed: Friday 18 September 2020
The Scanlon Foundation Community Grants for 2021 will focus on projects that support the transition of migrants into employment. Projects should consider the experience of migrants and the receiving communities and aim to nurture positive outcomes. All submissions are expected to empower new arrival communities and develop cross cultural connections.
Grants are looking to actively support people into employment, working directly with individuals who are unemployed. This may include those that have lost their jobs as a result of Covid-19, business failure or new school and university graduates.
This year’s community grants will provide funding up to a maximum of $25,000 for a 12 month project. The community grants will be eligible for locations throughout Australia.
Expressions of Interest can be made by Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) eligible organisations for grants of up to $25,000 through Smartygrants.
Please visit Scanlon Community Grants 2021 for more information on completing an Expression of Interest.
Applicants are encouraged to view the FAQs before submitting.
Please visit Smartygrants for applications and further instructions.
QLD Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closing- Applications closed March 2020. Please visit for further grant opportunities.
The Queensland Small Business Month Grants Program provides funding to deliver events during Queensland Small Business Month (QSBM), running from Friday 1 May to Sunday 31 May 2020.
The Small Business Month Grants Program aims to support individuals and organisations to host events, activities, or programs that:
provide a platform for collective investigation of local small business community concerns and solutions specific to an area or locality
empower local small business communities to come together to learn from experts and specialists in areas relevant to their sector or region
enable local leadership in small business communities.
Funding of up to $5,000 (excluding GST) is available for Queensland – based events and activities during QSBM, May 2020.
Application Guidelines QSBM 2020
Guidelines and criteria for completing your application are available at:
Applications can be made via the following link:
SunSuper Pty Ltd
Closed: 31 July 2020
The Sunsuper ‘Dreams for a Better World’ Business Grants Program aims to increase the capacity of Small Business and Social Enterprise to deliver innovative projects that address social issues in local Queensland communities. Applicants from all industries may apply for funding of $10,000 to support projects that benefit local communities. Projects that address issues from a range of areas are encouraged, such as those that increase access to employment, improve environmental sustainability, or alleviate mental illness.
Please visit the Sunsuper ‘Dreams for a Better World’ Business Grants Program page to access grant guidelines, eligibility requirements and the Business Grants application form.
Australian Government Department of Health and Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)
Closed: 7 October 2020
The Youth Action Project Grant Scheme (YAPGS), an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Health and FYA, aims to assist young people through the hardships posed by Covid19, natural disasters and ongoing challenges with mental health, employment and transportation. The program will provide grants between $5,000 and $20,000 towards projects that support young people (15-24 years) to develop resilience and recover from this period.
The YAPGS is open to both individuals and organizations, with two kinds of projects to be supported:
New projects that recognise and uniquely respond to the hardship young people are facing now and will face in the future, and
Existing projects that provide a valuable on-going service to young people that require additional funding to adapt or continue that work through the impact of the current environment.
The projects must support young people aged 15-24, not be commercial and should conclude by June 18 2021.
All projects supporting youth will be considered. However, those that focus on employment, mental health, transportation, the impacts of COVID-19 and the Australian Bushfires will be prioritized.
Please visit the YAPGS website and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page for further information to apply.
The form should take approximately two hours to complete. The FYA recommends that questions are copied into a document to complete, as the form cannot be saved as you go.
If a written application is not accessible to you, the FYA is happy to receive it in either video or audio format. If this is your preference, please limit your responses to a maximum of two minutes per question and submit them in MP3 format (audio) or via a private Youtube link (video) to the team via
Ansvar Insurance
Closed: 16 November 2020
Ansvar’s Community Education Program provides a range of grants to organisations that support Australian youth through education and life skills programs. Grants of up to $50,000 are available to registered not-for-profit organisations that assist young people through delivery of projects in two categories – Empowerment and Education, and Outreach and Support:
Empowerment and Education: programs which provide opportunities to develop positive values that lead to healthy lifestyle choices and a positive contribution to our community.
Outreach and Support: programs that support youths who are at risk or are already experiencing difficulties (such as drug and/or alcohol abuse) through rehabilitation and/or skills training.
Please note, Organisations are required to be registered not-for-profits with DGR status to apply.
Before you start your online application process it’s very important to review the applications general information; eligibility criteria, application assessment elements, the application questions and more here.
Complete the 2020/ 2021 Community Education Program Grants application through this online portal. Please complete all questions, any additional marketing materials that were not requested will not be assessed.
Provide a copy of your organisation’s annual accounts for the last financial year with your application.
Submit your application online by 5pm (AEST) Monday 16th November 2020
Click here to start your application through the Community Education Program online portal.
Ansvar Insurance
Closed: Friday 4 December 2020
The Perpetual IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program enables philanthropists and Not-for-Profits (NFPs) to connect, and allows NFPs to demonstrate how they improve outcomes for the communities in which they operate. They encourage high quality outcomes by identifying organisations that can maximise their impact through:
good governance
solid leadership
strong strategy
an outcomes focus.
Funding is provided for a range of projects at different developmental stages including, but not limited to, pilot and existing projects, capacity building and operational costs.
Download the 2021 IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program Guidelines
Download the 2021 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs); Download the SAMPLE 2021 Application Form;
Applications are available through Smartygrants 2021 Perpetual IMPACT Philanthropy Program.
For queries, please contact Perpetual Philanthropic Services on 1800 501 227 during business hours or email and quote your application number.
Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Participation Program – Economic Participation Grants
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Closed: 8 December 2020
The Australian Government is inviting organisations to apply to deliver services under the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Program’s Economic Participation (EP) grant opportunity 2020-21.
The objective of the EP grant opportunity is to improve the economic participation of people with disability, particularly in light of the impact of COVID-19.
The expected outcomes for the EP grant opportunity are:
People with disability will have improved job readiness, employment related skills and knowledge (whether industry specific or generalist).
People with disability and other stakeholders will have increased access to employer groups and employment support networks.
Increased willingness and capability of employers and organisations to employ people with disability.
More information about the Economic Participation grant opportunity, as well as requirements for applicants, can be found below in the grant opportunity documents
Grant Guidelines & Opportunity Documents
Guidelines; Easy Read Guidelines; Questions and Answers; Sample Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement
Sample Commonwealth Simple Grant Supplementary Terms
Application Form Guide ; Economic Participation Program Application Form
Rural Financial Counselling Service Program 2021 – 2024
Australian Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Closed: 11 December 2020
The Australian Government is inviting applications through an open and competitive process to deliver services under the Rural Financial Counselling Service Program (RFCS) program in the 12 predefined service regions from 2021–22 to 2023–24. Those interested may apply for more than one service region, including across different states.
The RFCS program is an Australian Government initiative that provides free and independent financial counselling to eligible farmers, fishers, foresters and small related enterprises who are experiencing, or at risk of, financial hardship.
The vision for the 2021 to 2024 RFCS program is to empower clients to take control of their financial situation and cultivate financially capable primary producers that are profitable, self-reliant and resilient.
The objectives of the RFCS program are to:
transition clients out of financial crisis
improve clients’ business profitability or facilitate a dignified exit
improve clients’ financial well-being and resilience.
The overarching outcome of the program is that clients who engage with the service become financially self-reliant and their businesses are better prepared to deal with risks.
More information and application guidelines are available under: Grant Opportunity Documents
If you would like further assistance, please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 (option 1), or email . Please quote 2020-4216 – 2021 to 2024 Rural Financial Counselling Service Program when you phone and/ or email the Community Grants Hub.
Applications can be accessed at: The Rural Financial Counselling Service Program SmartForm
The Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Closed: Expressions of interest (EOI) accepted on an ongoing basis
Closed while the Australian Government attends to demands of Covid19.
The Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant provides capacity building grants of up to $140,000 to mission-driven for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, allowing them to secure investment capital to scale their social impact. The purpose of the grant is to assist mission-driven organisations in Australia to scale and increase their impact by raising capital and investment in the form of equity.
Application Guidelines and eligibility criteria can be accessed at: Impact Growth Grant Guidelines
Submit your Expressions of interest (EOI) for the Growth Grant via our online form at:
Applications are by invitation following successful screening of eligibility through an EOI.
Further Questions can be emailed to the Growth Grant Team at:
Ecstra Women’s Economic Security Project Grants
Ecstra Foundation
Closed: 12 February 2021
The Women’s Economic Security Project Grants support charities and social enterprises building financial well-being through innovative employment opportunities and tailored financial capability tools for women. COVID-19 has exacerbated issues of economic inequality for many women – including barriers to employment participation, the burden of unpaid and lowly paid work, high levels of financial insecurity and inadequate superannuation.
The economic recovery period will be challenging for groups including young women entering the job market, older women seeking work, Indigenous women, refugee and migrant women. The Ecstra grants will support charities and social enterprises who develop and deliver meaningful employment opportunities for women as part of their response to these challenges.
The funding aims to:
offer philanthropic support to charities and social enterprises creating meaningful employment opportunities for women who face barriers accessing mainstream paid work
support organisations to integrate financial capability and personalised support into the delivery of these initiatives
The intended grant outcomes are:
more opportunities for women to access meaningful and secure paid work through an employer, cooperative or their own enterprise – helping them achieve their career and financial goals
more women are supported to build their financial capability, confidence and decision making through access to timely, relevant and tailored resources/support
to enable charities and social enterprises to scale and share sustainable Initiatives
contribute to the evidence base of ‘what works’ in building women’s economic security and financial wellbeing in Australia.
As a guide, funding proposals should be between $50,000 – $300,000 depending on the scale of the initiative and the relative size of the applicant.
Please refer to the following prior to starting a submission:
Women’s Economic Security Project Grant Guidelines
Ecstra’s Funding Principles and Grant Guidelines (provides additional eligibility criteria)
Applications must be submitted through Ecstra’s grant management system via this link, on or before midnight AEST on Friday 12 February 2021.
Please contact Ecstra at: if you have any questions, need assistance with submitting your application online or wish to apply through another format.
James N. Kirby Foundation Small Grants
James N. Kirby Foundation
Closed: 14 February 2021
The James N. Kirby Foundation considers applications for Small Grants (Less than and up to $15,000) from organisations whose work benefits the areas of Education and Technology; the Environment; Health and Social Welfare; and the Arts. Small Grants are the most popular bracket of funding distributed by the Foundation. Please note Small Grants encapsulate funding from $3,000 to $15,000 inclusive.
The James N. Kirby Foundation seeks to support projects and organisations whose work:
is innovative in nature;
will be capacity building; and
will inspire and provide lasting social change.
The Foundation can only consider requests from organisations with current Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement.
The Foundation also takes into account whether an organisation:
uses innovative or ground breaking concepts or methodologies;
has sufficient capacity to carry out the proposed activity;
collaborates with others in their field;
will be able to sustain results into the future;
has other financial support or will leverage the James N. Kirby Foundation’s support to obtain further funding; and
is committed to providing measurable outcomes that can be shared with a broader community.
Please refer to the Application Guidelines and Eligibility criteria before submitting your application.
The James N Kirby Foundation can only consider requests from organisations with current Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement. Our Foundation does not make grants to auspiced entities (i.e. an organisation that applies for funding through another organisation which has DGR status).
Applications for this funding category must include the following three items:
A completed on-line Small Grants application form available on this website. Please note that all fields of the application form must be completed. Applications received after 5pm ESDT on 14th February will not be accepted.
A covering letter of no more than 1 x A4 pages that must be on the letterhead of the entity endorsed as the DGR and must be signed by a Director, CEO or responsible person of the DGR. It should provide a brief description of your organisation, advise any previous grant history with the James N Kirby Foundation, and also include a list of the names and qualifications of your organisation’s Chair, Directors, CEO or Department Head.
On no more than one A4 page, a total cost and breakdown of the budget of the project and how you will be meeting those costs. In addition, please advise if you are seeking funding as a one-off cost or will it continue past the funding period, and if so, how will you secure future funding.
Community Child Care Fund Open Competitive Round 3 Grant Opportunity
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Closed: 22 February 2021
The Australian Government has made further funding available to assist child care service providers to address barriers to child care participation. This grand round particularly targets disadvantaged and vulnerable families and communities, such as those servicing regional and remote locations and those providing specialised care to children with disabilities and children from non-English speaking backgrounds.
Grants are available in three categories, each intended to fund a specific type of activity. Listed in order of funding priority, these are:
• Sustainability Support: helping services operating in areas of limited supply improve the viability and sustainability of their service.
Minimum grant of $2,000 and maximum grant of $200,000
• Community Support: helping services to work with other organisations and families to identify and address community level barriers to child care participation. The engagement must ultimately result in increased child care participation.
Minimum grant of $5,000 and maximum grant of $100,000
• Capital Support: helping services with the cost of modifying, renovating, extending or building child care facilities. These capital works must result in more child care places in areas where there is unmet demand.
Minimum grant of $50,000 and maximum grant of $150,000
Key objectives of the grant-funding include:
• child care services operating in disadvantaged and vulnerable communities are able to address (or have increased capacity to address) community level barriers to child care participation
• increased number of children from vulnerable or disadvantaged families and communities accessing child care
• increased sustainability of child care services operating in disadvantaged communities experiencing viability issues, including in areas with fluctuating and/or low short-term demand
• increased availability of child care places in disadvantaged communities with high unmet demand through capital works projects.
Further information is available on the Community Grants Hub website.
Applicants must be a Child Care Subsidy approved provider of an approved child care service at the date of application lodgement. Please read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines for further details on grant eligibility and criteria to apply.
Please visit the relevant application form link below:
Community Child Care Fund – Sustainability Support
Community Child Care Fund – Community Support
Community Child Care Fund – Capital Support
Responding to COVID-19 in the Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Sectors Grants Program
Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Closed: 28 February 2021, 5pm
The Queensland Government’s Responding to COVID-19 in the Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Sectors Program provides funding to support domestic and family violence (DFV) services to respond to the difficulties and additional complexities posed by COVID-19 and assist services to:
Adapt delivery of services, for example by making service adjustments or modifications to respond to changing client needs or social distancing requirements;
Expand service delivery, for example by increasing capacity to deliver additional services to more clients; And
Introduce new services, in accordance with demand arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grants of between $50,000 to $150,000 are available to each eligible applicant. Up to $2 million in total is available.
Conditions of eligibility include that applicants must:
be a not for profit, legal entity OR
be a local government entity OR
have an auspice agreement with any of the above entities.
Additionally, applicants must:
have current Public Liability Insurance AND
have no outstanding financial accountability, service delivery or performance issues for funding provided by the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (the Department) AND
be established in Queensland and be currently operational in Queensland.
Initiatives must:
be completed by 31 December 2021 AND
be delivered in Queensland AND
support the purpose of this grant program.
This grants program is also supported by funding from the Commonwealth Government.
Further information and selection criteria can be accessed at: 2020 Grant Information and Application Guidelines (PDF, 194 KB)
All enquiries can be directed through Women’s Infolink by phoning 1800 177 577 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday), or emailing
If you need more help using this application form, download the Help Guide for Applicants, or review the Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).
Building Better Regions Fund – Community Investments Stream- Round 5
Australian Government
Closed: 5 March 2021
The Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) supports the Australian Government’s commitment to:
drive economic growth
build stronger regional communities into the future.
The Round Five Community Investments Stream supports new or expanded local events, strategic regional plans or leadership and capability strengthening activities that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas. Infrastructure projects are not eligible under the Community Investments Stream. However, an Infrastructure Projects Stream is also available.
For most projects grant funding will be up to either 50% or 75% of your eligible project costs. Your location will determine the percentage of grant funding you can receive.
You may apply for a partial or full exemption to your cash contribution if you can demonstrate that you are experiencing exceptional circumstances.
For small projects with a total grant amount of equal to or less than $20,000, grant funding will be up to 100% of eligible project costs.
Your project will need to deliver economic and social benefits to a regional or remote community.
Before applying, please make sure you:
read the Grant Guidelines
read the Employment Outcomes Factsheet
read the Are You Ready to Apply Factsheet
Read the Frequently Asked Questions.
An online information webinar recording is also available.
Applications are available via the Australian Government’s Secure Online Grants Portal.
For application assistance, please contact 13 28 46.
Queensland Community Foundation
Closed- Friday 12 March 2021
QCF’s organisational capacity building grants for 2021 are now open to mid-tier charitable organisations (annual revenue less than $10m). Organisations impacted by Covid-19, particularly in the areas of domestic violence and mental health, are encouraged to apply. Grants up to a maximum of $20,000 are available.
The QCF General Fund Grants aim to assist mid-tier charities to build capacity by improving their structures, systems, people and skills to facilitate better outcomes in the community. Capacity building activities often include education and training, recruiting, maintaining or recognizing volunteers and updating information and technology support systems. This is as well as activities focused on planning and governance, which may include strategic plans, constitutional reviews and board appraisals.
QCF General Fund 2021 Grant Criteria & Guidelines
Organisations must be Queensland based, with all grant funds going towards QLD communities in the region of application.
Deductible Gift Recipient Item 1 (DGR1) status is also required. DGR 1 status can be confirmed by entering your ABN on the Australian Business Register website.
General Grant Fund 2021 Online Application
Enquiries can be directed to QCF by Phone: 07 3360 3854 and Email:
2020-21 Celebrating Multicultural Queensland Program
QLD Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs
Closed: 15 March 2021, 10.00AM
The CMQ Program provides funding towards multicultural projects and events that engage people from culturally diverse backgrounds; including those who arrived in Australia as migrants or refugees, people seeking asylum, members of diverse cultural groups and the wider community, to contribute to building an inclusive, harmonious and united Queensland.
The CMQ program, in alignment with the Multicultural Queensland Charter, promotes:
Queensland’s multicultural identity
community participation and intercultural connections
increased understanding between diverse cultural groups and the wider community
increased community capacity to address emerging issues and foster access to services
increased engagement of general community groups in connecting and welcoming people from culturally diverse backgrounds into a wide range of community activities.
This funding round is for two project categories:
Category 1 – Economic and Social Participation Projects
For innovative projects that create pathways to participation for people from culturally diverse backgrounds, including people who arrived in Australia as migrants or refugees, and people seeking asylum, in the economic, social and cultural life of Queensland.
One-off funding of up to $40,000 is available for one-year projects to be delivered in 2021-2022.
Category 2 – Youth and Community Connection Projects
For innovative projects that can assist with breaking down the barriers facing young people from culturally diverse backgrounds that can result in feelings of disengagement or disconnection with the community, and to increase their access to, and inclusion within the community.
Projects receiving funding under this category are to ensure young people from culturally diverse backgrounds are leading in identifying the barrier/need to be addressed, and the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of the project.
One-off funding between $5,000 to $120,000 is available. Project implementation time-frame can be up to two years. Projects are to be delivered between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2023.
Funding applications for projects to be delivered in regional areas are encouraged.
In preparation to apply, please carefully read the 2020–21 Funding Guidelines for Multicultural Projects and FAQ Fact Sheet for information about eligibility, funding priorities and mandatory funding criteria for each category.
For assistance in writing your applications, please contact the Community Funding Access Advisor at Multicultural Australia, Amelia Salmon, at:, or on: 07 3337 5400
Apply online through SmartyGrants:
Category 1 – Economic and Social Participation Projects
Category 2 – Youth and Community Connection Projects
Please ensure you select the correct link for the relevant project category.
Community Infrastructure Investment Partnership (CIIP) Program
Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
Closed: 16 March 2021
The Community Infrastructure Investment Partnership (CIIP) program is an initiative under the Queensland Government’s Unite and Recover: Queensland’s Economic Recovery Plan to support communities impacted by COVID-19.
The program is designed to stimulate Queensland’s economic recovery by improving community infrastructure to deliver critical social services, such as job-readiness programs.
The opportunity is open to not-for-profit organisations to expand, upgrade or rebuild existing facilities that deliver vital social services
Eligible not-for-profit organisations are now invited to apply for a share of the grants funding, with allocations of between $200,000 and $2 million available.
To be eligible, they must deliver social support services in Queensland and either own the asset or are in partnership with a local government.
Applicant checklist and guidance
Please complete this Online Submission Form before submitting your application online.
Application form (PDF version or Word version)
Campbell Edwards Trust 2021 Grants
The Campbell Edwards Trust
Closed: 31 March 2021.
The Campbell Edwards Trust considers donation requests from non-profit organisations that are deductible gift recipients with a registered office in Australia. The Trust will consider new applications from eligible organisations for a maximum of $30,000 per annum and a maximum of $90,000 over three years.
The Trust’s focus areas are:
Young people in need of education and other assistance
Families undergoing conflict
Those in need of basic human necessities such as food, shelter or clothing
Indigenous Australians suffering disadvantage
Support and research services for community challenges
Religious education
Each application will be considered within Trust guidelines and on merits, however please note that at this time the Trust is not able to consider applications from individuals.
Further information about donation guidelines is available here.
Donation application forms are available to download here.
ANZ Community Foundation 2021 Grants
ANZ Community Foundation
Closed: 1 April 2021
The ANZ Community Foundation is funded by regular contributions made by ANZ staff and ANZ. The Foundation aims to support projects run by charitable organisations which offer a direct and tangible benefit to local communities. ANZ staff are also encouraged to volunteer their time and skills to support funded projects, where this would add value to the charitable organisation.
Grants of up to $30,000 are available.
Eligible activities include community projects that relate to one or more of the following priority areas:
Improving financial wellbeing
Improving environmental sustainability
Improving housing access
Other community projects that assist local communities to thrive
Please note, eligible applicants must have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 status.
For technical support or questions about eligibility and guidelines, please email Equity Trustees at, quoting your application number.
After submitting you will receive a confirmation email, including a PDF copy of your form. If you do not receive this email, contact Equity Trustees to confirm at:, quoting your application number.
Applicants will receive written notification of the outcome of their application between 3 to 5 months after the closing date of the ANZ Community Foundation Grant Round.
Ian Potter Foundation 2021 Community Wellbeing Grants EOI
Ian Potter Foundation
Closed: 1 April 2021
The Ian Potter Foundation 2021 Community Wellbeing Grants program aims improve circumstances for vulnerable members of the community. This program supports organisations that seek to establish pathways for vulnerable individuals, such as creating employment pathways for people with disabilities or otherwise vulnerable individuals, assisting individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness and all that goes with it.
The Foundation only considers grant applications in excess of $100,000 in this program area and these are usually considered as multi-year grants. Smaller grants may also be considered.
Applicants MUST speak with the relevant Program Manager before submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be eligible to apply.
Under the terms of the deed of The Ian Potter Foundation and Australian taxation laws, The Ian Potter Foundation can only make grants to organisations with BOTH Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 and Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status.
All Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are reviewed and selected applicants are then invited to proceed to the second stage and submit a full application.
Funding Guidelines are available at Ian Potter Foundation Community Wellbeing Program.
Please also refer to the Funding Principles section for further information.
Applicants MUST speak with the relevant Program Manager before submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be eligible to apply. Community Wellbeing Program Manager, Alberto Furlan can be contacted on 03 9611 1592.
Applications can be accessed and completed at: Ian Potter Foundation Community Wellbeing Applications
Queensland Government – Food Rescue Grants
Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
Closed: 13 April 2021, 5pm
The Food Rescue Grant Program will provide grants of up to $200,000 to food rescue organisations for infrastructure, equipment and operational costs to divert additional food from landfill and redistribute it to Queenslanders in need.
To be eligible, an applicant must:
Be a not-for-profit organisation incorporated under section 111K of the Corporations Act 2001.
Be an organisation with the primary purpose of food rescue and providing food relief to Queenslanders.
Have operations established in Queensland.
Rescue food directly from a source where the food would otherwise go to landfill (e.g. a farm, supermarket or markets).
For more information about the Program and its eligibility requirements please refer to the Program Guidelines and the Program FAQs.
For further information, please contact the Waste Avoidance and Recovery Programs team via phone (07) 3330 5164 or email at
Applications must be submitted through the SmartyGrants Portal by 5pm 13 April 2021.
Queensland Government – 2020-21 Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grants Program
Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Closed: 14 April 2021, 5pm
Applications are invited for activities that contribute to truth, healing and reconciliation for people with lived experience of institutional child abuse across Queensland. One-off funding of up to $10,000 is available for application.
Activities may include projects, events or initiatives that acknowledge and raise awareness of institutional child abuse and its impact. Potential activities could include:
Initiatives that educate and share the stories of people with lived experience in a safe and supportive way (e.g. truth telling, oral histories and creative art performances) such as exhibitions of art or writing, videos or podcasts.
Memorials, monuments or commemorative events that are of significance to those with lived experience.
Reunions and other events that are of importance to those with lived experience.
Please view the guidelines here before applying. For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please email: and quote your submission number.
Applications are available through SmartyGrants.
If you need more help using this form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).
Boosting Female Founders Initiative Funding Program– Round 2
Australian Federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Closed: 22 Apr 2021, 5:00pm
Funding for female founders of start-up businesses to scale their start-ups into domestic and global markets:
The Boosting Female Founders Initiative helps female entrepreneurs overcome the disadvantages faced in getting access to finance and support to grow their start-ups. Targeted support will be on a co-contribution basis.
Grants between $25,000 and $480,000 for female-founded startups to expand into domestic and global markets.
Who is this for?Female-founded (majority owned and led by women) startups who wish to scale their business into domestic and global markets.
The program provides targeted support on a co-contribution basis to female founders of start-up businesses to scale into domestic and global markets. The program will also provide expert mentoring and advice to meritorious applicants. Grants will be available on a co-contribution basis. All eligible applicants can apply for a grant between $25,000 and $400,000. If you meet additional eligibility criteria, as detailed in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines, you can apply for a grant of between $25,000 and $480,000.
Further information, eligibility details and requirements are available from the Grant Opportunity Documents & Guidelines.
For help with your application and to find out more please phone 13 28 46, or email through the online contact form.
Apply now for Boosting Female Founders Initiative – Round 2
Copyright Agency 2021 Cultural Fund Grants
Copyright Agency
Closing: 26 April 2021
The Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund offers grants to leading organisations for projects that deliver exceptional career development opportunities for Australian writers, journalists, editors, English and literacy teachers, visual artists and key stakeholders in writing, publishing, education, and visual arts. Grants are also available for leading organisations to build literacy skills for children and young adults and to encourage reading at all levels. Funding ranges from $5,000 to $20,000 per project, per year. In certain cases, funding for three years may also be considered.
Please visit Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund Grants and Fellowships for further details on eligibility and application requirements.
Please contact Copyright Agency if you have any questions about the grants by email:
Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship and Mentoring Scheme
Brisbane City Council
Closed: 30 April 2021
Brisbane City Council is offering over 130 business scholarships and mentoring placements for Brisbane residents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who are committed to expanding their business skills and capabilities.
The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program provides aspiring business owners with the knowledge and skills to establish or grow a business in its early stages. It includes training courses from Certificate IV through to post-graduate university courses.
The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Mentoring Scheme is a 12 month program with monthly workshops which assists existing business owners to grow their businesses. Mentors work in pairs and deliver monthly workshops to small groups of mentees. Mentors are also available for email and phone enquiries from their mentees throughout the year. Successful applicants also receive a one-year membership to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland.
More information on eligibility conditions and requirements and links to applications for the two programs are available from:
The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Mentoring Scheme
For help with further questions please email the Lord Mayor’s International Relations & Multicultural unit, or phone 07 3403 8888.
QLD COVID SAFE Active Clubs Kickstart Program
Queensland Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport
Closed: 5 May 2021
The Queensland Government’s COVID SAFE Active Clubs Kickstart program supports the sport and active recreation community to restart activities as COVID-19 restrictions ease and is part of the Sport and Recreation COVID SAFE Restart Plan.
The program provides grants of $2,000 to assist not-for-profit local and regional sport and active recreation organisations to re-establish their operations in a COVID-safe environment. Funding is available for equipment, training and operational expenses.
The objectives of COVID SAFE Active Clubs Kickstart Round 2 are to:
Ensure appropriate resources are available for Queenslanders to participate in local physical activity experiences; and
Strengthen capability of sport and active recreation clubs and organisations and their volunteers to provide quality experiences.
Projects must be completed by 30 June 2022.
Please refer to the COVID SAFE Active Clubs Kickstart Round 2 Guidelines for further details and application requirements.
Please read the Terms and Conditions before submitting an application.
This initiative is part of the Sport and Recreation COVID SAFE Restart Plan.
Find out more about support for returning to play for clubs and organisations.
To apply for funding under this program, your organisation must be registered in the Sport and Recreation Grant Registration Portal (GRP).
Applications must be submitted using the Online Application Form by 5pm on Wednesday 5 May 2021.
For assistance to complete the online application please email, or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
Queensland COVID-19 Tourism Adaptation Grants
Queensland Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport
Closed: Applications closed when all funding from the $5 million COVID-19 Tourism Adaptation Grant Program had been fully allocated.
This funding boost aims to support regional Queensland tourism businesses that have suffered losses of income because of the international travel restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tourism business headquarters must be located in Queensland and primarily operate outside the Greater Brisbane Area of Brisbane City Council, Redlands City Council, Logan City Council, Ipswich City Council and Moreton Bay Regional Council boundaries.
Grants from a minimum of $2,000 to a maximum of $10,000 (excluding GST) are available to tourism businesses in regional Queensland who can demonstrate they have suffered losses of income because of the international travel restrictions.
The key objectives of the COVID-19 International Tourism Adaptation Grant program are to assist tourism businesses to:
pivot their product, service and/or marketing to a domestic tourism market
meet operating costs while the business hibernates until international markets reopen.
Further information is available from the COVID-19 Tourism Adaptation Grant Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions.
To apply please visit the QRIDA application portal.
Coopers Brewery Foundation Sustainable Giving Program
Coopers Brewery Foundation
Closed: 15 May 2021
The Coopers Brewery Foundation Sustainable Giving program runs in conjunction with Coopers’ general giving program. Under the initiative, an eligible organisation will be selected and awarded $50,000 a year for three years, providing it with a total of $150,000. The program is designed to provide long-term certainty for the successful organisation.
Focus areas for the Sustainable Giving initiative are:
2020 – Aged Care / Medical Research / Health Care
2021 – Family and community support based on Christian values
2022 – Youth Education
If you would like to apply for funding, please read the Foundation Guidelines and contact the Foundation office.
To apply please contact the Foundation office by email:, or by phoning: 1300 664 344 to request an application form.
Feed Appeal Grants Program
Feed Appeal Australia
Closed: 16 May 2021
The Feed Appeal Grants Program supports local charities to deliver effective and targeted food relief to their local community. Funding requests must directly impact, improve, and build the capacity, capability and/or efficiency of your food relief program. Feed Appeal invests in projects that improve the lives of people experiencing hunger or food insecurity. Funding helps organisations meet the demand for and alleviate food insecurity in their local community. Grants of up to $50,000 are available.
Please read through this information pack in full prior to commencing an application.
f you have questions regarding eligibility, or require clarification please contact the Feed Appeal team on 1300 421 041 or
Homes for Homes Grants Program 2021
Delivered by The Big Issue, in partnership with the Australian Government.
Closed: 14 May 2021
Homes for Homes provides a way for the entire community to help solve the issue of homelessness by raising funds for social and affordable housing through donations from property sales. Thanks to support from the property industry and private donations, enough funds have been raised to offer grants to housing providers for the first time.
Homes for Homes invites housing providers who can contribute to the delivery of social and affordable housing in Queensland and the Northern Territory to apply for funding. There is $70,000 available in this grant round for social and affordable housing projects in Queensland.
Homes for Homes takes a flexible approach to the type of housing projects it will fund and invites applications for innovative projects that will best address housing issues in their area.
Homes for Homes 2021 Grant Funding Guidelines
For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact us on 1300 767 918, or email: and quote your submission number.
Homes for Homes Application for Housing Projects in Queensland
eSafety Commissioner Online Safety Grants Program
Australian Federal Government eSafety Commissioner
Closed: 25 May 2021
Grant funding of between $80,000 and $1 million is available to non-government organisations (NGOs) that deliver online safety education to children, young people and their communities, or training to those who work with them. This is an open, competitive grants program for NGOs registered as a not-for-profit, charitable organisation with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Funding will be available and allocated for rounds in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Round 2 of the Online Safety Grants Program aims to:
support innovative development, collaboration and implementation of online safety education programs
ensure children, young people and their communities can access inclusive online safety education resources
promote and increase the positive and safe use of digital technologies in at-risk communities, via improvements in service delivery
contribute to driving diversity and inclusion online
maximise opportunities for all Australians to understand the online safety support, complaints and referral pathways they can access
create a culture where safe online behaviours among children and young people become routine
deliver projects that use co-design and evidence-based frameworks as standard practice for delivering online safety education
embed Safety by Design principles in the development of solutions and programs, where appropriate.
Applications are sought from NGOs that can demonstrate an ability to use evidence-based research and best practice in online safety education to develop services, resources and products that provide new solutions for improving online safety.
These can be:
for use in schools and other places of learning
designed for parents and carers, communities or support workers
focused on at-risk communities
aimed at scaling up new services, resources or products.
Please carefully read the draft Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement in conjunction with the Program Guidelines before applying. This will be the basis of the Agreement that successful grant recipients will be required to sign with the Commonwealth, as represented by the eSafety Commissioner.
Online Safety Grants Program Guidelines- Round 2
Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement
Online Safety Grants Program- Round 2 Application
More information is contained in the grant program’s Frequently Asked Questions. Further assistance is also available from the eSafety commissioner’s office at:
Be Connected – Building Digital Skills Grants Program
The Good Things Foundation, supported by the Australian Government
Closed: 28 May 2021.
Building Digital Skills grants help organisations to start, continue delivering and expand Be Connected Digital Literacy Programs. Up to $15,000 in grants is available for application.
Organisations who would like to apply for a Building Digital Skills grant must:
● Be a registered Network Partner within the Be Connected Network
● Provide an ABN number (if applying for a $5,000 grant or greater)
● Have public liability insurance
● Have acquitted previous grant/s awarded by Good Things Foundation
Use the Building Digital Skills Grants for projects will help you assist older Australians complete 2 courses, or 10 activities on the Be Connected Learning Portal. Funding can be spent on activities that support older Australians to gain basic digital skills and confidence, such as:
● New devices including computers, laptops, tablets
● Upgrading software for devices
● Internet fees
● Digital mentor expenses, including training to be a digital mentor
● Printing of learning materials for older Australian learners
● Police checks for all staff and mentors involved in delivering the Be Connected
● Marketing/promotional costs
Funding cannot be used for capital works (building or construction materials).
Please visit Be Connected Network- Building Digital Skills Grants for more information and related documents, including example case studies and Building Digital Skills Grant timetables.
Round 24 – Be Connected, Building Digital Skills Grants 2021 Applications
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Grants 2021
Queensland Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Closed: 31 May 2021
The Queensland Government is committed to a new way of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families and communities in the spirit of reconciliation to address the causes, prevalence and impacts of domestic and family violence.
The objectives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Grants 2021 are to:
Assist and support identified communities to co-design effective localised responses for people in their community experiencing domestic and family violence.
Provide support that builds skill sets in communities to implement localised responses to domestic and family violence.
Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate the following key principles in community planning and capacity building projects:
strengths-based approach
respectful relationships
culturally appropriate
co-design and collaboration
inclusive partnerships
community capacity building
supportive and safe
activating sustainable community responses.
The preference is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Grants 2021 to be delivered by Indigenous owned or controlled organisations.
Eligible applicants may apply for grants up to $10,000 for community action planning and capacity building initiatives across eight locations in Queensland:
Brisbane North
Mount Isa.
Please carefully read the Grant Guidelines and related information before submitting an application. These are available through the Queensland Government website.
For queries about the grants and potential projects, please email and quote your application number. Alternatively, you can contact your local Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Regional Office.
Applications can be made via the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Grants Online Application Service.
Australia Pacific QBE Foundation 2021 Grants
Australia Pacific QBE Foundation
Closed: 7 June 2021
The Australia Pacific QBE Foundation Local grants aim to provide meaningful support for community initiatives addressing specific areas of need. The Foundation is currently inviting Australian charities to apply for a grant of up to AUD $25,000 in the areas of climate action; diversity, equality and inclusion; and financial inclusion and resilience. Applications for funding for unique, high-impact projects in one of these categories will be considered more favourably than “business as usual” activities:
Climate action: Initiatives that help communities reduce their climate impact, prepare for the impacts of climate change or respond to climate-related disasters.
Diversity, equality and inclusion: Initiatives that advocate for greater equality and inclusion for all members of our community.
Financial inclusion and resilience: Initiatives that focus on building financial literacy and resilience.
To be eligible for a QBE Foundation local grant, the organisation:
Must be a registered ‘not-for-profit’ (or non-profit) with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC)
Must have Australian Tax Office endorsement of DGR 1 or 2 status
Must not be affiliated with a political party or union, or take an overtly political stance in the focus of their work
May have a religious basis, but any program or initiative supported by QBE must not incorporate religious teaching into the delivery of the program or initiative
Must be based in Australia, although initiatives working in Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific will be considered.
*Please note that requests for funding must be for one category only. Multiple applications for the same project or initiative across different categories will not be considered.
More information on requirements, assessment criteria and the application process can be accessed at: QBE Foundation Local Grants Program 2021.
Please download your QBE Foundation Grants Application Form, complete it and submit via email to
AMP Foundation
Closed: 9 June 2021
AMP’s Tomorrow Fund is offering grants for Australians doing inspiring things. Individuals working to make a positive impact in any field can apply. Australian citizens and permanent residents of all ages, interests and walks of life may apply for grants of between $5,000 and $100,000. Funds can be used for range of activities and expenses, including equipment, study, research, salaries, promotion and travel. Whatever it takes to make a positive impact.
These grants recognise the power of an individual to create change, so organisations cannot apply. However, individual founders of small grassroots charities, small businesses or other groups can apply but must provide evidence that they are still the driving force. So too, researchers who are working within a larger team or institution can apply for a grant, but the funds must advance the individual’s work.
Further information and requirements are available from the AMP Foundation Tomorrow Fund Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact the AMP Foundation at and quote your submission number.
Applications can be made at: AMP’s Tomorrow Fund Online Grant Application Service.
Queensland Small Business Disaster Recovery Grants
QLD Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 10 June 2021
Small Business Disaster Recovery Grants deliver funding assistance to small businesses severely impacted by the North and Far North Queensland monsoonal trough. Funding of up to $10,000 (excluding GST) may be provided to eligible businesses to access high-level expertise and advice to assist with business recovery. Funding for building, plant and equipment repairs is also available in some circumstances.
A single grant payment will be made directly to the business and is to be used for:
business plan development
business mentoring
financial counselling
exploring options for business sustainability.
Funding may also be available for building, plant and equipment repairs for small businesses as a flood-proofing measure – specific eligibility applies.
The grants have been jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). Three categories of funding are available, with applications assessed according to the specific DRFA criteria that are met. For further information on eligibility requirements, please carefully read the the application guidelines and terms and conditions.
Guidelines and Applications
To apply, complete the following steps:
Read the eligibility criteria;
Read the Application Guidelines and Terms and Conditions;
Complete an online application form using the appropriate SmartyGrants link(s) below-
Applications must:
Outline how you intend to use grant funding to support your small business recovery;
Attach the required documentation (as outlined Table 1 of the Application Guidelines)
The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and Mentoring Scheme
Brisbane City Council
Closing: 10 May to 12 June 2021 (specific to area of application)
The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and Mentoring Scheme provides business training and mentoring opportunities for Brisbane residents from multicultural backgrounds. It offers two separate programs, including the Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and the Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Mentoring Scheme.
This program enables residents seeking to start a business to become equipped with the knowledge and skills to start a new business, grow a business or gain expertise in a specific field. Applicants can apply for scholarship in a range of training courses from Certificate IV through to post-graduate university courses. For further information, including specific course details and closing dates, please visit the city council’s official website for the grant program at: The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and Mentoring Scheme
This program offers existing business owners the opportunity to take a series of workshops that assist in business growth and development. There are 89 business scholarships and mentoring scheme placements available to residents of Brisbane in 2020. For further information please visit the city council’s official website for the grant program at: The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and Mentoring Scheme
Further information, application forms and guidelines are specific to area of application and available at: The Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program & Mentoring Scheme Offerings 2021
For further assistance please contact the Brisbane City Council International Relations and Multicultural Affairs Unit by phone on 07 3403 8888 or by email.
Tailored Assistance Indigenous Employment Grants (TAEG)
Australian Government National Indigenous Australians Agency
Closed: 11 June 2021
Tailored Assistance Employment Grants (TAEG) connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with real and sustainable jobs. There are three streams of funding:
Employment – support for job seekers to address barriers to recruitment and improve retention in the workplace, and support for employers to engage and retain job seekers into ongoing jobs, including post-placement support
School-based traineeships – support for secondary students to gain work experience and prepare for post-school transition into further study or employment
Cadetships– support for university students to receive paid work-placement opportunities during the course of their study
Activities should deliver outcomes that will:
increase employment and retention rates
increase work-readiness
increase the successful transition of secondary and tertiary students into ongoing employment
lead to certified and transferrable qualifications.
Applicants must demonstrate that funding will deliver employment outcomes (jobs), and must identify the demand for the jobs in the organisation, region and/or industry.
Payments will be based on the achievement of individual milestones for job seekers. The amount paid for milestones will be negotiated with the NIAA Regional Office, detailed in the Employment Grant Schedule and weighted to the achievement of 13 and 26 weeks in employment.
Please refer to the ‘How Do I Apply’ section at following link for specific TAEG application guidelines, key documents and further resources for making applications: TAEG’s.
For enquiries, please contact your local Regional Office on 1800 079 098 to discuss your proposal and the application process.
Applications can be made via the official TAEG’s website.
If you are experiencing difficulties submitting your application, please contact the Indigenous Advancement Strategy Assessment Management Office at
Westpac 2021 Impact Grants
Westpac Banking Corporation
Closed: 15 June 2021
Westpac are are expanding their Safer Children, Safer Communities Program and offering a range of grants to continue assisting children, young people and their families to stay safe and protected in Australia.
Impact Grants support organisations that are seeking to create safer communities for children in Australia, with a focus on helping prevent the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, including online sexual exploitation of children. Available for application are:
10 Seed Grants valued at $50,000 each for small to medium organisations establishing new projects and/ or one-off initiatives
Six Scale Grants valued at $200,000 each per year over three years for existing evidence-based, innovative programs looking to develop capacity
Targeted Education and Prevention
Response and Recovery
Apply if:
You are a registered not-for-profit in Australia
You are looking to fund a innovative, evidence-based local or national project to be delivered in Australia
Both individual and consortium applications are acceptable.
Application form questions – Seed (PDF 68KB); Application form questions – Scale (PDF 72KB); 2021 Safer Children, Safer Communities Grants
Register for Online Information Session: For more information and assistance, please register to attend one three information sessions, where you will be able to ask questions about any of the 2021 Safer Children, Safer Communities Grants.
QLD Government Back to Work Employer Support Payments
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 30 June 2021
Support payments of up to $20,000 are available for eligible employers who hire eligible unemployed Queenslanders throughout regional Queensland and in some areas of South East Queensland (SEQ).
The Back to Work program is designed to give businesses the confidence to employ Queenslanders who have experienced a period of unemployment. Support payments are available to eligible employers who hire a previously unemployed Queenslander who has experienced a minimum period of unemployment directly prior to commencing work with them.
This program is not a wage subsidy. The decision to employ someone is at the discretion of the employer and must be a business decision that is independent of the availability of the Back to Work support payment.
The program is offered in Central Queensland, Far North Queensland, North Queensland, North West Queensland, South West Queensland, the Wide Bay Burnett and some areas of South East Queensland (SEQ).
Employers can make an online application through QGrants after the eligible employee completes four weeks of continuous paid employment. Initial applications must be received within eight weeks of the employee completing four weeks of continuous employment.
Guidelines for Funding and Resources
For all general program enquiries please send an email to either Back to Work Regional, or Back to Work SEQ, or call: 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
Applications can be made via the QGrants online portal.
Further information can be accessed at the Back to Work Program – Employer Support Payments.
NIB Foundation 2021 Health Smart Grants EOI
NIB Foundation
Closed: Expressions of Interest close 30 June 2021
The NIB Foundation is currently inviting registered charities across Australia to apply for their Health Smart Grants for a share in $240,000. Six grants of $40,000 are available to Australian charities. The six successful charities will also be given the chance to have their funding doubled through the People’s Choice Vote – where two of the six charities will be awarded an extra $40,000 as decided by the public.
Charities who specialise in health promotion and primary prevention and have a record of engaging and empowering people to be health smart in their everyday lives are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest. Health Smart Grants fund the delivery of projects that work to improve health literacy, and help people develop the understanding and skills they need to adopt healthy behaviours. Priority prevention areas target risk factors that are modifiable and impact broad segments of the population. Health Smart Grants will improve long term health outcomes by addressing one of more of the factors provided in the Australian Health Smart Grant Guidelines.
The Health Smart Grant is delivered through NIB Foundation’s Private Ancillary Fund, which means that to be eligible your organisation must be:
Endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 by the ATO, and;
Endorsed as a Tax Concession Charity (TCC) by the ATO (or be a tax exempt entity).
1. More information on application requirements and selection criteria are available at: NIB Australian Health Smart Grant Guidelines.
2. Download, save and complete the PDF Expression of Interest Form
3. Complete the Online Submission Form by providing your details and uploading your completed EOI form.
If you have any questions while preparing your EOI, please submit them through the NIB Enquiries Form.
Now Open: Damien Greer Lawyers Community Grant Program 2021
Damien Greer Lawyers
Closed: 30 June 2021
The Damien Greer Lawyers Community Grant Program recognises and celebrates organisations that strive to make a positive impact within their community. Eligible organizations are currently invited to apply for a Community Grant of $2,500.
The Community Grant program aims to support organisations that work within their local community and encourage the following values:
Helping the community in times of need
Building community togetherness and sense of belonging
Promoting positive health and wellbeing
Supporting community services and groups
Nurturing the local environment
Damien Greer Lawyers are particularly interested in supporting organizations that are involved in child wellbeing and child protection, domestic violence support and non-government mental health services. This is as well as organizations that are non-government social service organizations and registered charities.
Your organisation is eligible to apply if you meet at least one of the below criteria:
Promote sustainable environmentally friendly practices within the community
Support health and wellbeing initiatives
Provide services in the local community
Facilitate community awareness and education programs
Support at-risk and/or in need individuals in the local community
All entries will be assessed through a process that considers applications against the Community Grant criteria.
For more details on applying please visit: Damien Greer Lawyers Community Grants 2021
For further queries please Phone: 07 3837 5500, or Email:
Australian Government Safer Communities Fund Round 6: Early Intervention Grants
Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
Closed: 22 July 2021
Round Six of the Safer Communities Fund targets organisations with demonstrated experience in providing early intervention services to youth at high risk of engaging in anti-social behaviour and criminal activity. The objectives of this grant opportunity are to:
- Contribute to the preservation of the safety of Australians through funding local crime prevention activities that address anti-social behaviour by youth at high risk
- Help marginalised youth aged 12-24 at high risk to develop life skills. This includes projects that assist youth to learn educational and vocational skills to prevent them from becoming entrenched in the criminal justice system and those that promote inclusion and build community resilience.
Eligible activities must directly relate to the project and involve youth engagement activities aimed at crime prevention.
Grants available begin at $200,000. The grant amount will be up to 100% of eligible project costs. Funded projects must be completed by 30 April 2024.
Joint applications are acceptable, provided you have a lead applicant who is the legal entity responsible for the project and is eligible to apply.
Before applying, please ensure you read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines, Sample Grant Agreement, Frequently Asked Questions and additional items included in the Key Documents section.
For further assistance, please contact 13 28 46, or visit Contact Us at
To apply please visit: Apply now for Safer Communities Fund – Round 6 – Early Intervention Grants
Queensland Government – Investing in Queensland Women Grants
Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Closed: Round 2- 31 July 2021
The Queensland Government’s Investing in Queensland Women Program provides funding for community initiatives that help achieve the objectives of the Queensland Women’s Strategy 2016–21 and those that inspire and encourage the Queensland community to respect women, embrace gender equality and promote and protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of women and girls. Grants of up to $15,000 are available for eligible projects, with a duration of up to 6 months that:
- target people who identify as women and who may be more vulnerable or experience multiple levels of disadvantage, including
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- people with a disability
- LGBTIQ+ people
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (including people on temporary visas)
- people in rural, regional and remote communities
- young people
- older people
- help achieve the objectives of the Queensland Women’s Strategy 2016–21 and inspire and encourage the Queensland community to respect women, embrace gender equality and promote and protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of women and girls
- help achieve the objectives of the Third Action Plan of Queensland’s Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016–2026 to reduce domestic and family violence reoffending, including working with perpetrators and/or with victim–survivors
- help achieve the objectives of Prevent. Support. Believe. Queensland’s Framework to address Sexual Violence.
Before starting an application, it is highly recommended that you read the following documents for more information about eligibility and selection criteria and requirements for successful applicants
- 2021 grant information and application guidelines
- Short form (particulars non-service provision) agreement
- Short form terms and conditions
As part of the application process, you will also need to complete and upload these forms:
Applications can be accessed through SmartyGrants.
For queries about the guidelines or application form, please contact Women’s Infolink on 1800 177 577 during business hours or email and quote your submission number.
NAB Foundation Community Grants 2021
NAB Foundation
Closed: 30 July 2021
The NAB Foundation is currently inviting applications for Community Grants that assist communities to prepare for natural disasters, support long-term recovery and build resilience to future disasters.
Funding grants of up to $10 000 are available towards community projects that seek to:
- assist in short and long-term recovery efforts
- build community resilience against future disasters
- help people and places prepare for natural disasters
- strengthen the environment to be more resilient to natural disasters
- help communities reduce their climate risk.
Two types of funding are available:
- Community Grants of up to $10,000, from a total pool of $1 million.
- Prizes, from a total pool of $200,000, for recipients of Community Grants where the project intends to have long-term social or environmental impact. This funding is designed to assist grantees replicate the project in other areas, scale it or measuring the impact.
Please ensure you have read the Community Grant Application Guide for all information regarding grant eligibility and criteria.
Further enquiries regarding applications can be directed to:
Please visit the following link with questions about the online submission process: Application Form FAQ’s.
Bennelong Foundation Community Grants
Bennelong Foundation
Closed: Expressions of Interest Closed 30 July 2021
The Bennelong Foundation supports organisations and projects in the areas of education, training and employment and community health and well-being. The foundation targets grant funding towards the following communities:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders,
- People with a refugee background, newly arrived migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse communities
- Groups experiencing socio-economic disadvantage.
For the October 2021 round, in keeping with the Bennelong Foundation’s community & grass roots tradition, grants of up to $30,000 are available for innovative, prevention based projects that meet the Foundation’s target criteria. This could include projects that focus on building sustainable employment, those that promote social inclusion and cohesion, or programs that provide settlement and transition support for new Australians. Please note that programs with a main focus on disability, mental health, and healthcare (i.e. programs directly addressing mental illness and disease) are not current priority areas for the Bennelong Foundation. Expressions of interest (EOI) close 5:00pm 30 July 2021. Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to submit a formal application up to 10 September 2021.
Please consult the following documents before submitting an EOI and subsequent application:
Funding Areas; Key Criteria; Tips, Sample Forms & Documents; Important Dates
Due to the expected competitive nature of this grant round, it is strongly recommended that you contact the Foundation to discuss your proposed application ahead of submitting your EOI. Please also note that Deductible Gift Recipient Status is required for application.
A two-step process has been initiated for the Bennelong Foundation’s bi-annual open granting rounds. Step 1 is a submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI). Step 2 is an invited application for shortlisted submissions. Please email for technical issues.
Please register to receive your online Expression of Interest (EOI) form HERE. You may also preview the application HERE.
Canon Oceania 2021 Grants
Canon Australia
Closed: 30 July 2021
Canon Oceania offer grants of both cash and Canon equipment: $2,500 cash and $2,500 worth of product, to support causes trying to rebuild themselves in the challenging conditions of the Covid-19 economic recovery period. The overall runner-up will receive $1,000 cash. The following grant categories are open for application:
- 1 x Educational Grant – $2,500 product and $2,500 cash (a project being run by a primary, secondary or tertiary school/educational institution)
- 1 x Community Grant – $2,500 product and $2,500 cash (aproject that has a positive impact on communities affected by natural disaster or the pandemic, encompassing cultural, societal, environmental and sustainability causes)
- 1 x Small-medium Businesses Grant – $2,500 product and $2,500 cash (project that will support small businesses rebuild themselves across any sector – businesses should employ fewer than 20 people and have less than $10 million aggregated turnover at the end of the financial year)
- 1 x Runner-up Grant – $1,000 cash
Judges will select the top three entries in each category, which will then go through to a public vote.
For application and eligibility criteria please visit: How to apply for a 2021 Canon Australia Grant
Full terms and conditions for application can also be downloaded here.
Please visit the Canon Australia Grants Program Online Submission Form to apply.
If you’re experiencing issues with the submission form below, please download a copy of the application in Word format here and send it to
Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation 2021 Grants
Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation
Closed: 30 July 2021
Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation grants provide funding in two categories. For 2021 these are:
- Shout Workplace Giving Grants – 1 x $25,000 grant, with the focus area of positive educational and alternative pathways to help at-risk children and teenagers
- Growing Stronger Communities Grants – 4 x $15,000 grants, in the focus areas positive educational and alternative pathways to help at-risk children and teenagers; health care services for vulnerable Australians and their families; and support for the economic and social wellbeing of people in regional, rural and remote communities (including in times of natural disasters).
Applicants are advised to prepare applications in advance by reading the Grant Guidelines; Application Example and Grant Application FAQ’s.
To apply please complete and submit the Online Application Form before 5pm on 30 July 2021. The form can be saved and returned to it at any time before applications close. If you need assistance along the way, please phone: 13 14 22; or email:
Toowoomba Regional Council
Closed: Round 2- 1 August 2021
The Toowoomba Regional Council is inviting grant applications from organisations for projects that benefit local businesses and the wider community during the coronavirus pandemic recovery period. This grant program has been developed to help achieve the community’s vision for a ‘dynamic and diverse economy that promotes industry development and employment opportunities’. Funding of up to $5,000 is available.
Applications should be for project initiatives that seek to achieve one or more of the following:
- Encourage the establishment, growth and retention of sustainable businesses that enhance the region’s reputation for innovation, creativity, diversity and sustainability.
- Foster new partnerships and collaboration between businesses and business support groups.
- Create employment opportunities and increase the level of business investment in the region.
- Eligible projects must also:
- Provide direct assistance to businesses to recover from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.
- Demonstrate demand for the proposed project from local businesses.
- Commence within 2 months of approval and be deliverable in a format that meets social distancing requirements of the time.
Before applying, please read the Temporary coronavirus pandemic recovery community economic development grant program guidelines to check you are eligible.
For assistance with applications, please contact the Toowoomba Regional Council Economic Development team on 131 872.
To apply please complete the Grants – Community grants application form (PDF for print). PDF applications can be lodged by:
Email to: (Must be followed by a hard copy of cover and signature pages);
Post: Toowoomba Regional Council, Community Grants Scheme, PO Box 3021, Toowoomba Qld 4350;
Deliver to: any Toowoomba Regional Council Customer Service Centre;
Fax to: 07 4631 9292 (Must be followed by a hard copy of cover and signature pages).
Queensland Disability Advocacy Program 2021 Grants Round
Queensland Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
Closed: 2 August 2021
The Queensland Government is currently inviting Queensland based organisations to apply for funding to deliver disability advocacy services from 1 January 2022 to June 2023. Disability advocacy services provide support to people with disability to safeguard their rights, experience equality and overcome barriers that can affect their ability to access services and participate in the community.
Queensland Disability Advocacy Program (QDAP) grants are available for organisations to deliver:
- the first-ever centralised Queensland Disability Advocacy Hub, which will have an important leadership role for advocacy state-wide, including establishing the Queensland Disability Advocacy Network and identifying and escalating systemic issues
- specialist services providing individual advocacy support for First Nations people with disability; people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; and children and young people with disability aged up to 18 years
- regional individual advocacy support to people with disability across the state on an individual basis.
An industry briefing video is available to provide applicants with information about the program.
Queensland Disability Advocacy Program Guidelines; Questions and answers; QDAP Application form
QLD Regional Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 6 August 2021
Applications for Round 2 COVID-19 Adaption Grants are still available in Regional areas. The funding aims to support small and micro businesses that have been highly impacted by the Coronavirus shutdown and social distancing restrictions. Eligible businesses may apply for grants between $2,000 and $10,000 to adapt and strengthen their operations during the pandemic recovery phase. Applications will be accepted until the allocation of funds for regional areas is exhausted.
To be a ‘regional business’, your principal place of business must be in a local government area within Queensland that is not identified as a South East Queensland (SEQ) location.
- Use the eligibility tool to find out if your business is in SEQ or a regional local government area.
- Read the application guidelines, terms and conditions, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and application tips.
- Gather your supporting documentation.
- Visit Apply Now to:
- create a QRIDA business profile. (Note: this will be different to any SmartyGrants profile you may have used for round 1 or other small business grant applications.)
- complete the online application and upload your supporting documentation.
If you have an application in the QRIDA system, you can access your application using the QRIDA portal.
Please visit: Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program for further details.
Honda Foundation 2021 Funding & Vehicle Loan Program Grants
Honda Foundation
Closed: 6 August 2021
The Honda Foundation makes financial assistance available to charities and organisations doing amazing work across a range of social and environmental issues. These include supporting the disadvantaged, disabled or those suffering from illness; relief for victims of natural disasters; and promotion of innovation and new technologies.
They also provide 12-month Loan Vehicle Program which includes registration, insurance and all servicing costs, and is capped at 20 loan vehicles at any one time.
Organisations must be endorsed by the Commissioner of Taxation as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) to be eligible to apply.
Further information and application forms can be accessed at: Honda Foundation Community Assistance
Application steps:
- The Honda Foundation has two different application forms, one for Monetary Funding requests, the other for Honda Hero Loan Vehicle. Please ensure you download the appropriate application form to complete.
- Locate your nearest authorised Honda Motor Vehicle Dealership (see under Find a Dealer on the Grants Application Page) and make an appointment to meet with the Dealer Principal.
- If the Dealer Principal endorses your application, the Application needs to be submitted by email to
For queries, please contact the the Honda Foundation by email at:, or by phone on: (03) 9285 5555
Queensland Government – Looking after Country Grant Program
Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science
Closed: 9 August 2021
The Looking after Country Grant program provides funding of up to $75,000 to First Nations communities to conserve and manage environmental and cultural heritage on country. The program aims to build community capacity to deliver these projects, and to develop strong partnerships in caring for country.
Project activities funded through the program include (but are not limited to):
- cultural site management
- protected species monitoring and conservation
- revegetation and habitat restoration
- fire management
- erosion control
- inter-generational knowledge exchange on country
- the development and implementation of country management plans.
First Nations groups are invited to apply by midnight Monday 9 August 2021.
Please carefully read the Looking after Country Grant Guidelines and Application Writing Tips before completing an application for funding.
For questions about the grant program please contact the Looking after Country Grants Officer on: (07) 3330 5553, or email:
To apply please visit: Looking after Country Grant Program Online Application Form
ANZ Seeds of Renewal Grants Program
ANZ in partnership with the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Closed: 11 August 2021
ANZ Seeds of Renewal is a small grants program designed to help build vibrant and sustainable rural communities to ensure the ongoing prosperity of regional Australia. The program demonstrates ANZ’s ongoing commitment to shape a world where people and communities thrive. Seeds of Renewal is built on two key tenets:
- Vibrant communities are diverse and inclusive with strong social capital, where everyone can participate and build a better life; and
- Sustainable communities innovate, expand, and create opportunities that will deliver demonstrable medium to long-term economic benefit to the community, contributing to economic sustainability.
Grants of up to $15,000 are available to community organisations for projects that will help their community thrive. Organisations with programs that promote inclusion and participation of under-represented or marginalised groups that will deliver demonstrable medium to long-term benefits are encouraged to apply.
Before commencing an application please read the ANZ Seeds of Renewal Grants Program Guidelines carefully to make sure this is the right grant for your community.
For further assistance please contact Danielle Griffin by email at:, or phone on: 1800 170 020.
Please submit your grant application online via the FRRR Seeds of Renewal Grants Gateway Portal.
Queensland Government – Business Growth Fund Program
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 16 August 2021
The Business Growth Fund (BGF) targets high-growth businesses who can accelerate growth, drive Queensland’s economy and employ more Queenslanders.
The program provides funding for small and medium-sized businesses experiencing high-growth to buy specialised equipment to unlock growth potential, increase production, expand your workforce and maximise economic returns.
Funded businesses are expected to:
- increase confidence for growth, transitioning from small to medium-sized
- increase productivity, turnover, profit and employment by 20%
- improve confidence to automate, scale up, increase market share, diversify and/or exploit exporting opportunities.
Available Funding:
Applicants may be eligible for a single up-front payment up to $50,000 (excluding GST). You must also fund at least 25% of project costs to buy and implement the specialised equipment. Funding must be used to buy specialised equipment to meet business growth. The equipment must have a direct link to increasing employment and maximising economic returns.
Please direct queries about the program to Email:, or contact the Small Business Hotline: 1300 654 687.
- Read the key documents:
- Check your eligibility.
- If you are eligible, register for a mentoring session. Registrations are now open.
- Complete a mentoring session. You will receive an email with a link to apply for the grant via the SmartyGrants system.
- Complete the checklist in the application guidelines.
- Follow the link in the email to Complete the online application.
Skilling Queenslanders for Work Program
Queensland Government Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 19 August 2021
Applications for the 2021–22 funding round of Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative are now open. The program forms an essential part of the Queensland Government’s ongoing plan to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.
Skilling Queenslanders for Work funds skills development, training and job opportunities for job-seekers, disengaged and disadvantaged Queenslanders through targeted skills and training projects. The program focuses on young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, mature-age job-seekers, women re-entering the workforce, veterans and ex-service personnel, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. More than 70 per cent of participants find work, undertake further training, or return to school around 12 months after exiting a Skilling Queenslanders for Work project.
Community-based not-for-profit organisations, local councils and school Parent and Friends and Citizens associations are advised to check eligibility requirements and application recommendations to apply.
Please visit the Skilling Queenslanders for Work Program page for eligibility requirements and further application information. Questions can also be directed to the QLD Department of Employment, Small Business and Training by phone: 1300 369 935, or email: Applicant organisations are encouraged to contact their local DESBT regional office to discuss their project proposals.
Tucker Foundation 2021 Grants
Albert & Barbara Tucker Foundation
Closed: 20 August 2021
The Tucker Foundation is focused on supporting registered charitable organisations who are actively making a positive difference in the lives of humans, animals and the natural environment. Grants up to $25,000 per year are provided. Many of their grants have been awarded to small scale grassroots groups that may otherwise struggle to attract the funding of larger more prominent organisations.
Each year, the Tucker Foundation will consider applications from organisations seeking to undertake projects that further the Foundation’s aims and objectives. Please read these guidelines and recommendations carefully before applying. Given the current environmental and humanitarian crises facing our planet, our dedication to supporting groups involved at the grassroots has never been stronger. As a result of this, we tend to prioritize projects that deal with their response in a practical and clear way. Examples of this include, purchases of vital equipment, such as vehicles for wildlife rescue, or funding for projects that qualify vulnerable women to begin paid employment.
2021 Tucker Foundation Grant Applications
For queries please email:
Queensland Community Road Safety Grants 2021
Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads
Closed: 27 August 2021
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) provides funding for not-for-profit community organisations to deliver road safety education and awareness initiatives through the Community Road Safety Grants scheme. The scheme consists of 3 funding streams.
Learner Driver Mentor Program (recurrent funding)
Road Safety Education Program (recurrent funding)
Community Road Safety Education Grants (one-off funding)
Planning is an essential part of your application’s success. Please carefully read and understand the funding guidelines and the service agreement template before you apply. Please use the Online Grants Portal to view and apply for available funding opportunities. If you are awarded a grant, you must also manage your agreement through the Online Grants Portal.
Further queries can be directed to the Community Road Safety Grants team by telephone: 1300 186 159, or Email:
Pride Foundation Australia Grants for Peer-led Support Groups
Pride Foundation Australia, supported by Sidney Myer Fund
Closed: Round 2- 27 August 2021
This round of Pride Foundation Australia (PFA) and Sidney Myer Fund Grants focus on supporting LGBTQIA+ refugees and people seeking asylum. They encourage projects that are collaborations between refugee and asylum seeker agencies or groups and LGBTQIA+ agencies or groups. Where an LGBTIQ+ refugee-led group is partnering with another organisation they encourage equal partnerships and co-design. One of the organisations/groups must have DGR status.
Projects should aim to assist LGBTQIA+ people who are refugees or seeking asylum in any of the following areas:
- Improving access to stable housing,
- Enhancing education and/or workforce participation
- Enhancing support for community connection and improving settlement outcomes
- Improving health and/or health literacy
- Supporting links to LGBTIQ services and supports
- Enhancing cultural engagement and development
- Improving LGBTQIA+ inclusive practice in services.
Projects may have a duration of up to two years and include any of the following:
- Community development, or
- Education initiatives, or
- Applied, community-led research with tangible outcomes in the field, or
- Events including arts and cultural or conferences.
For more information on conditions of application and criteria please visit PFA and Sidney Myer Fund Peer-led Support Grants Round 2, 2021.
For additional grants assistance please contact Rhonda Brown by phone on: 0419 309 540, or email at:
To apply please submit an Expression of Interest Form by email to PFA by 5pm, Friday 27 August 2021.
Those short listed will be advised by 10 September and will be invited to submit a full application by Sunday 10 October 2021.
Dog & Bone Impact Grants for Technology Projects
Dog and Bone Ltd
Closing: 14 September 2021
Dog & Bone’s Impact Grants seek to support not-for-profits by providing them with the strategic and technical assistance they need to serve their community more efficiently and effectively. Through this grants program, not-for-profits will be able to choose from a range of services and projects to help them with their technology.
The support ranges from assistance with the NFP’s technology strategy and navigating the challenges and opportunities of a hybrid workplace to technology procurement. This could include:
- Help developing an IT Roadmap plan.
- IT Health check and assessment.
- Benchmark analysis of IT service provider.
- Building an Intranet and migrating documents.
- Help moving to the cloud.
- Help finding a new phone system.
- Help finding and selecting IT support or management.
In-kind grants for pro bono services worth between $5,000 and $20,000 are available for application, depending on the applicant’s requirements and eligibility.
Please note, this program is for not-for-profits with 50 staff or less.
For more details on applying, including conditions of eligibility and evaluation criteria please visit: Impact Grants for Technology Projects Program 2021.
For additional queries, please complete your details at the Get in touch link, or phone 03 9403 5700.
Australian Government – Powering Communities Program
Australian Government Department of Business, Industry Science Energy and Resources
Closed: 20 September 2021
The Powering Communities Program will run over 2021–2022. It provides grants to not-for-profit community organisations to improve their energy efficiency practices and technologies. This aims to reduce energy use, improve energy productivity and reduce carbon emissions.
The program will assist organisations to:
- upgrade equipment to reduce energy consumption
- undertake energy management activities and assessments, such as energy systems assessments and feasibility studies
- invest in energy monitoring and management systems
- invest in on-site renewable energy and solar-connected batteries.
The grant amount will be up to 100% of eligible project expenditure. Grants will be between $5,000 and $12,000. Projects should be completed by 30 June 2022.
- Grant Opportunity Guidelines
- Factsheet
- Frequently asked questions
- Sample Application Form
- Sample Grant Agreement Approval Letter
Please visit Australian Government – Powering Communities Program to apply and access further guidance.
St George Foundation Community Grants Round 2, 2021
St. George Foundation Trust
Closed: 24 September 2021
St.George Foundation provides Community Grants of up to $50,000 to small Australian children’s charities that attract little assistance from government and are not able to generate significant income of their own. Organisations that run local projects to support and improve the lives of children experiencing disadvantage are invited to apply. Examples of projects may include early intervention services, recreational and respite programs; counselling and therapy; medical and educational services and other activities that help to benefit disadvantaged children in our local communities.
To be eligible for funding your organisation will:
- Focus your efforts on children in Australia under the age of 24 years.
- Be located in NSW, ACT, QLD or WA.
- Have an annual gross revenue of less than $5M.
- Receive less than 60% of your income from state, federal or local government funding (unless you have an income less than $1M per annum, in which case your government funding can exceed 60%).
- Provide recent, audited financial statements, signed by the auditor.
- Be endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (but not another ancillary fund). Deductible Gift Recipients must be listed with the Australian Taxation Office under Item 1 of the Table in Section 30–15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act, 1997.
Further information on eligibility and selection criteria for this round of funding is available at: St.George Foundation’s Community Grants.
To apply please visit: Apply for a St. George Foundation Community Grant
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closing: Opportunities open periodically.
Social Enterprise Jobs Fund
The Queensland Government has announced $8 million over the next 2 years for the Social Enterprise Jobs Fund, as part of the Future Skills Fund.
The Jobs Fund will continue to build on the commitments under the Queensland Social Enterprise Strategy to support the development of a sustainable and thriving social enterprise sector.
Under the Jobs Fund, $3 million in funding will be delivered over the next 2 years through business development grants for eligible organisations, starting with the Community Social Enterprise Development Grants.
Upcoming Grants
Grant program | Launch date | Opening date | Closing date |
Community Social Enterprise Development Grants | 29 May 2021 | 3 June 2021 | 15 July 2021 |
Social Enterprise Growth Grants | August 2021 | September 2021 | October 2021 |
Sector Development Grants | November 2021 | December 2021 | February 2022 |
Social Enterprise Development Grants | April 2022 | May 2022 | June 2022 |
Community Social Enterprise Development Grants Program
The Community Social Enterprise Development Grants Program will provide grants to experienced non-profit community-based organisations to increase the capability and capacity of the social enterprises they operate.
The program aims to assist organisations to grow existing social enterprises and expand skills development and employment opportunities for disadvantages Queenslanders, including:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- migrants and refugees from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- people with disability
- young people (aged 15–24 years), including those in and transitioned from out-of-home care
- women re-entering the workforce
- veterans, ex-Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel and their families
- recently released prisoners
Available Funding
You may be eligible for funding of between $5,000 and $20,000 (excluding GST).
In 2021–22, $600,000 will be made available for Community Social Enterprise Development Grants.
Eligibility Criteria
Your organisation must be a Queensland non-profit community-based organisation who has operated a social enterprise for a minimum of 2 years.
The program aims to assist organisations to grow existing social enterprises and support skills development and employment opportunities for disadvantaged jobseekers, which may include assistance delivered under the Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) initiative.
Applications will open Thursday, 3 June 2021, and close at close of business Thursday, 1 July 2021.
Please read the Key Program Documents before applying:
Funding Guidelines (PDF, 179KB)
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 150KB).
Complete and submit the Community Social Enterprise Development Grants Application Form.
For queries and further details, please visit QLD Community Social Enterprise Development Grants, or Email:
Now Open: Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds (SEDIF)
Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Ongoing Applications Accepted
The Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds (SEDIF) improves access to finance and support for social enterprises to help them grow their business and increase the impact of their work in their communities.
The Federal Government selected three SEDIF fund managers to offer social enterprises finance, such as loans, and support. The SEDIF fund managers are:
Social Enterprise Finance Australia
Social enterprises can contact the SEDIF fund managers directly to discuss and make applications for their financing needs.
Amount: Undisclosed or various
Closing Date: Ongoing
Links to further information and contacts are available at: Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds
Hamer Sprout Fund 2021 Environmental Grants
Hamer Sprout Fund, Australian Communities Foundation
Closing: 30 September 2021
Every year, the Hamer Sprout Fund considers applications from organisations that share the fund’s goals. They are particularly interested in assisting smaller organisations and projects to ‘get them off the ground’. The mission of the Hamer Family Sprout Fund is “to build communities inspired to take action for a sustainable future”.
Their aim is to support projects and organisations that:
- Promote innovation in environmental education
- Facilitate engagement in environmental action
- Advocate for environmental sustainability
- Foster collaboration between young people engaged in environmental leadership
Funds for Hamer Sprout Grants are raised through the fundraising activities of the Hamer Sprout Fund and the Hamer Family Fund. A total of $25,000 is available for the Sprout Grants each year. Up to $5,000 is available per project; however more (up to $10,000) may be awarded in exceptional circumstances.
Conditions of eligibility and further details to apply are available from The Hamer Sprout Fund Grant Guidelines.
To apply, please download the Hamer Sprout Fund Grants Application Form.
For additional information and assistance, please contact the Hamper Sprout Fund Grants team via email and facebook.
Groundswell 2021 Project Grants – Expression of Interest Applications
Groundswell Giving
Closed: Round 3- 4 October 2021
Groundswell is a Giving Circle created to respond to the climate crisis. With an aim to educate and empower a new groundswell of people to take climate action in their own lives, the organisation pools money to fund strategic, high-impact advocacy and solutions to alleviate climate change in Australia.
Groundswell support organisations tackling the climate crisis who:
- Build the movement – activate new and strategic demographics or sectors to get involved in tackling the climate crisis;
- Change the story – build urgency for stronger action from trusted voices in our community;
- Shift the money – dry up the pipeline of funding to fossil fuel companies;
- Change the politics – enable greater leadership within state and federal Governments.
The remaining 2021 funding rounds focus on both project and core funding for climate advocacy. Expressions of Interest are now being accepted for the July round of 4 x $40,000 grants of core funding for strategic advocacy tackling the climate crisis.
Small to medium sized organisations are encouraged to apply.
Grants can only be made to Deductible Gift Recipient 1 entities, or organisations that have a partnership agreement with a DGR1 entity.
Grant Guidelines are available at: Groundswell Grant Making Guidelines and Core Funding Criteria and Sample Application Form.
For queries, please contact:
Expression of Interest Applications can be made at: Groundswell Grant Application Expression of Interest Form.
Queensland Social Enterprise Growth Grants Program
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 7 October 2021
The Social Enterprise Growth Grants Program will provide funding to eligible, established Queensland social enterprises for capability and capacity building that enables the business to scale-up or adapt. The social enterprise must have potential within the next 2 years to grow the business, including its social impact and increase in employees. Eligible social enterprises may apply for financial assistance between $5,000 and $25,000 to facilitate this growth.
Eligibility Criteria
Your business must be a Queensland social enterprise that can demonstrate it meets the program definition of a social enterprise (including the commercial trading and reinvesting benchmarks outlined in the funding guidelines) and have operated and traded in Queensland for at least 12 months.
Your social enterprise must have a mission or purpose aligned to Queensland Government priorities including, but not limited to:
- supporting jobs
- investing in skills
- growing regions
- protecting the environment
- safeguarding health.
Eligible Activities
Grants will provide financial assistance for activities, services or expenditure that build the skills, capability and capacity of the social enterprise. The funding requested must have a direct link to increasing business sustainability and/or employment.
Funding is available for the purchase of:
- production equipment
- digital equipment and systems
- consumables, resources or materials (specific to an identified growth opportunity)
- skills development and coaching programs
- business and strategic planning advice
- website development and upgrades
- marketing strategies.
The Social Enterprise Growth Grants initiative is a limited life program and applications will be considered through a competitive funding round. Please note, a high level of interest is expected for this financial assistance scheme. Consequently, it is recommended that you prepare in advance by checking eligibility criteria and reviewing program guidelines prior to the opening of applications on 23 September 2021.
To apply, please complete the following steps:
- 1. Read the eligibility criteria;
- 2. Read the funding guidelines;
- 3. Review the frequently asked questions (FAQs).
For queries and additional assistance, please email the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training at:
- 4. If eligible, complete and submit the Online Application Form and all supporting documentation by 5pm on 7 October 2021.
If successful, you must enter into a Services Agreement (funding contract) with the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.
Regional Queensland Business Basics Grants Program
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: Sufficient applications received for competitive assessment and all funds allocated at 3:40pm 11 October 2021.
The Queensland Government is continuing its support of regional small businesses with delivery of a $5 million regional round of Business Basics Grants.
Through the program, eligible regional small businesses are able to apply for a $5,000 grant to help finance projects to build basic capabilities and upgrade skills. Funded projects could include anything from website upgrades, to strategic marketing services, to training and coaching.
Applications will be competitively assessed and grants will be paid in full and up-front to successful applicants, with no co-contributions required.
*Please note— This round will close when funds allocated for the program are exhausted.
Please visit Queensland Business Basics Program for more information on program guidelines, eligibility criteria and how to apply.
For further assistance please email:, or contact the Small Business Hotline on 1300 654 687.
Copyright Agency 2021 Cultural Fund Grants
Copyright Agency
Closed: 11 October 2021
The Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund offers grants to leading organisations for projects that deliver exceptional career development opportunities for Australian writers, journalists, editors, English and literacy teachers, visual artists and key stakeholders in writing, publishing, education, and visual arts. The priority is to support projects that will provide sustained and realistic support to writers and visual artists and to encourage greater audiences for their work.
The Fund also offers grants to leading national writing organisations to build literacy skills for children and young adults and to encourage reading at all levels, and they are particularly interested in supporting partnerships with key industry organisations to raise the profile of writing and writers.
While there are no set minimum or maximum amounts, grants range from $5,000 to $20,000 per project/year. In most cases, the Cultural Fund’s grants for organisations are for a single project for up to a year; however, in some instances funding for three years may be approved. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their project with the Cultural Fund before applying.
Visit the Cultural Grants- Funding for Organisations and Cultural Grants- Activities Supported page for a full list of what the Cultural Fund will and won’t support. Please read specific information for organisations, as this differs to the criteria and projects supported for individuals.
Please contact Copyright Agency if you have any questions about the grants and potential projects by email at:
*Round 1 Closed 26 April 2021.
*Round 2 Closes 11 October 2021
Australian Government National Science Week Grants 2022
Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Closed: 21 October 2021
Individuals and organisations interested in delivering science engagement activities for next year’s National Science Week are invited to apply for grants between $2,000 and $20,000. These grants support the delivery of: in-person activities such as workshops, fairs and theatre; and/or online activities with two-way audience participation.
National Science Week activities help inspire community participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
National Science Week is Australia’s major national celebration of the sciences. National Science Week 2022 will take place from 13 to 21 August 2022.
CPA Program Scholarships 2022
CPA Australia, supported by the Australian Scholarships Foundation
Closing: 20 October 2021
The CPA Australia and the Australian Scholarships Foundation are offering scholarships to enable managers and financial officers of registered charitable organisations to enhance their knowledge and skills to further contribute to the management and accountability of charitable not-for-profit organisations.
The CPA Program comprises four compulsory subjects, including Ethics and Governance, Strategic Management Accounting, Financial Reporting, Global Strategy and Leadership and two elective subjects. It is a flexible distance-learning program that you can complete at your own pace with a range of interactive online study tools, as well as benefit from study groups.
Successful applicants in this scholarship round will be given the choice of beginning their studies in either Semester 1 or Semester 2 in 2022.
- Semester 1: Starts late January 2022 (date TBC)
- Semester 2: Starts August 2022 (date TBC)
There are five 100% scholarships available, which will entitle recipients to enrolment into the six CPA Program subjects, valued at approximately $7,740.
To apply for a scholarship, please complete the following steps:
- Click ‘APPLY NOW’ on the top, right-hand-side of the CPA Scholarship Grants webpage and follow the prompts.
- Complete an online Australian Scholarships Foundation scholarship application form, upload a resume and an endorsement letter from your NFP organisation (see #12 of our FAQs for guidance)
- Upload additional supporting documentation: If you are not yet a current Associate member of CPA Australia, you will be assessed for entry into the CPA Program through your scholarship application. To enable this, you must also submit the following documents:
- A high-quality, coloured scan or photo* of your original degree award certificate and official itemised transcript, showing subjects passed by year and grades awarded
- A high-quality, coloured scan or photo* of your original professional by documents (if held), including your membership certificate and official exam results
- Please ensure you adhere to CPA Australia’s requirements for this supporting documentation HERE.
For queries an further assistance regarding the scholarship application process, please contact Australian Scholarships Foundation by email
For more information about the CPA Program, please visit CPA Australia’s website or attend an upcoming information session. For any questions regarding the CPA Program or eligibility requirements, please contact CPA Australia by email at:
Mary Jane’s Foundation Women’s Health & Wellbeing Small Grants 2021
Mary Jane Foundation
Closed: 29 October 2021
Mary Jane Foundation is a philanthropic organisation working to advance the health and wellbeing of Australian women and girls through awareness, education and empowerment. The Foundation is currently offering small grants of up to $10,000 for initiatives focused on women’s health and wellbeing. They can only offer grants to not-for-profit organisations that provide proof of endorsement by the Australian Taxation Office (ie a certificate from the ATO) as a Deductible Gift Recipient Type 1 (DGR1) and Tax Charity Concessions (TCC). The Mary Jane Foundation aims to support grassroots advocacy groups and organisations to address gender gaps and bias in healthcare.
Applicants please note that:
- Organisations must be Australian based with the initiative delivered within Australia that is focused on the health and wellbeing of women and girls.
- The organisation’s annual income should be less than $1 million.
- The applicant organisation must have the support of its committee/board members.
- Only one submission per organisation will be considered within the same calendar year.
- Applicants must demonstrate the skills, knowledge and capabilities of key people accountable for successfully and responsibly managing the initiative.
- Successful organisations must have a bank account to accept funds via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
- Funds must be used for the purpose as outlined in the submission.
Further information is available from: MJF Women’s Health and Wellbeing Grants 2021.
For queries and assistance, please contact:
To submit a grant application please use the MJF Small Grants Online Application Form, or download the form and submit your application by email.
Applications close on Friday 29th October 2021 at 5pm (AEST).
Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Closed: 12 November 2021
The purpose of the Safe and Diverse Communities grants program (the grants program) is to support small, targeted, community-led projects to increase the capability of multicultural communities to recognise, respond and prevent sexual, domestic and family violence across Queensland.
The grants program aims to create meaningful partnerships and engagement with people from diverse backgrounds to take proactive steps in improving women’s safety, and through awareness and prevention initiatives to address sexual, domestic and family violence.
Target group
This grants program aims to target multicultural communities. This includes people from migrant or refugee backgrounds, as well as people who are born in Queensland and who self-identify as ‘being from multicultural backgrounds’. This applies to groups and individuals who differ according to religion, language and ethnicity and whose ancestry is other than Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Anglo Saxon or Anglo Celtic.
Funding Available
$1 million has been committed over 4 years with the total allocation of $250,000 for the 2021 grants program. Applications are invited for initiatives seeking funding from $10,000 to $25,000.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- be a not-for-profit, legal entity, or
- be a local government entity, or
- have an auspice agreement with any of the above entities.
Additionally, applicants must:
- have current Public Liability Insurance of a minimum $10 million, and
- have no outstanding financial accountability, service delivery or other performance issues by any other Queensland Government agency that would impact on the delivery of your grant activity/initiative, and
- be established in Queensland and be currently operational in Queensland.
You can find out more information about the grants application process through the Grant Application Guidelines.
For further assistance please contact 1800 177 577, or email
This grants program will be administered through a 2-step process.
Step 1: Complete the online application form on the SmartyGrants website by 5pm on Friday 12 November 2021. The panel will then shortlist applicants, who will then be notified about the shortlisting outcomes.
Step 2: The panel will contact shortlisted organisations to arrange a time to discuss their application. All applicants will then be informed of who has been successful in the grants round and successful applicants will be announced in December 2021.
Australian Government Organ and Tissue Authority
Closed: 19 November 2021
This grant opportunity supports community-based awareness and education activities that contribute to increasing public understanding of and support for organ and tissue donation. Specifically, it seeks applicants who will work in partnership with the Organ and Tissue Authority to develop and implement broad-reaching national events, media or publicity, or research or education projects.
Funding is available for three categories during 2022:
- National events – annual national community awareness events that reach mass audiences across the country (multi-year funding available)
- Media or publicity – media, public relations and/or digital activities targeting young people, First Nations Peoples, and/or culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups (single year funding available)
- Research or education projects – research or behavioural change projects, or the development and distribution of education resources, for young people, First Nations Peoples, or CALD groups (single year funding available).
Activities must be delivered during 2022 calendar year. Activities may align to support DonateLife Week 2022 (24 – 31 July 2022); however, this is not a mandatory requirement. Estimated grant value ranges from $10,000 to $50,000.
Now Open: Ergon-Energex Community Fund Grants
Ergon-Energex Community Fund
Closed: 19 November 2021
Queensland community groups working on disaster, social, economic, and mental health resilience projects are currently invited to apply for a part of the $100,000 Ergon-Energex Community Fund.
The $100,000 pool from Queensland’s publicly-owned electricity distributors is currently on offer to eligible not-for-profit groups, who are encouraged to apply for up to $10,000 each.
Ergon and Energex are seeking applicants who are working to make a difference in terms of disaster and emergency resilience, but any not-for-profit group supporting vulnerable Queenslanders is invited to apply.
Further information about this funding opportunity and how to apply is available from the Ergon-Energex Community Fund Brochure and Terms and Conditions section.
Additional details can be accessed at:
For any queries regarding the Community Fund, please contact the Grants Community Fund team at:
To apply, please complete the Ergon-Energex Community Fund Application Form online and attach any supporting documentation by Friday 19 November 2021 at 5:00pm.
Central Queensland Bushfires Funding – Round Three
Queensland Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy, in partnership with the Australian Government
Closed: 25 November 2021
A third rounds of grants are available to assist Central Queensland communities recover from the 2018 bushfires, thanks to a package being jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments.
Queensland-based community groups, local councils, non-government organisations, peak & industry groups, and research bodies delivering in or to the following bushfire-impacted local government areas are encouraged to apply for funding. This is for either (or both) small grants (between $2,500 and $50,000) or large grants (between $50,001 and $100,000). The funding aims to support events, activities and programs that drive community recovery activities, increase awareness and build local resilience:
· Banana | · Bundaberg |
· Central Highlands | · Gladstone |
· Isaac | · Livingstone |
· Mackay | · Rockhampton |
Recipients of Rounds One and Two Central Queensland Bushfires Grants and new applicants are encouraged to apply for funding towards projects aimed at driving recovery and building awareness to:
- reduce future risks and minimise community dependence on government assistance
- enhance self-efficacy and community-efficacy
- minimise negative impacts and embrace opportunities
- promote connectedness, encourage support networks and social inclusion
- support and promote opportunities for sustainable economic recovery
- support business and service provider continuity
- promote preparedness and resilience to future disasters.
This grant round is targeted to projects that are delivered to the following priority community groups who experience vulnerability to natural disasters:
- children and families
- young people
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
- people with disabilities
- seniors
- small businesses
- primary producers.
Applications close Thursday 25 November 2021 at 2:00pm.
- Information paper (PDF, 260.51 KB) (DOCX, 1000 KB)
- Project plan template (XLSX, 11.9 KB) (for large grants only)
- EFT form (PDF, 120.6 KB) (DOCX, 31 KB)
- Agreement to issue recipient created tax invoices form
(PDF, 58.5 KB) (DOCX, 40 KB)
For queries and further information please contact:
Applications must be submitted via the SmartyGrants online portal at:
- Small Grant application form –
- Large Grant application form –
Queensland Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grants Program
Queensland Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs
Closed: 25 November 2021
The Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grants Program supports the recommendation by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, to continue to reveal the truth of what happened to children and contribute to healing and reconciliation in Queensland.
This program provides grants of up to $10,000 for individual applications and $15,000 for joint applications. This funding is for community groups and organisations to undertake projects related to truth, healing and reconciling histories of people with lived experience of institutional child abuse, across Queensland communities.
Funded activities will:
- acknowledge and raise awareness of institutional child abuse and its impact
- support people with lived experience to speak out and share their stories in a way that is safe, supported, and promotes better understanding by the broader community and institutions
- are of importance to people with lived experience such as events and reunions
- develop memorials and monuments that are of significance to those with a lived experience
- undertake research in the area of institutional child abuse
- explore the impacts of institutional child abuse.
Please read the guidelines for individual applications and joint applications.
For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact: 07 3097 5793 during business hours, or email: and quote your submission number.
For more information on the Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Taskforce please visit their webpage.
Applications for the 2021-22 grant round can be submitted via SmartyGrants. Applications close 5pm, Thursday 25 November 2021.
Be Connected – Building Digital Skills Grants Program
The Good Things Foundation, supported by the Australian Government
Closing: 26 November 2021
Building Digital Skills grants help organisations to start, continue delivering and expand Be Connected Digital Literacy Programs. Funding for projects is available in $2,500; $5,000; $10,000; and $20,000 contract sizes.
Organisations who would like to apply for a Building Digital Skills grant must:
● Be a registered Network Partner within the Be Connected Network
● Provide an ABN number (if applying for a $5,000 grant or greater)
● Have public liability insurance
● Have acquitted previous grant/s awarded by Good Things Foundation
Use the Building Digital Skills Grants for projects will help you assist older Australians complete 2 courses, or 10 activities on the Be Connected Learning Portal. Funding can be spent on activities that support older Australians to gain basic digital skills and confidence, such as:
● New devices including computers, laptops, tablets
● Upgrading software for devices
● Internet fees
● Digital mentor expenses, including training to be a digital mentor
● Printing of learning materials for older Australian learners
● Police checks for all staff and mentors involved in delivering the Be Connected
● Marketing/promotional costs
Funding cannot be used for capital works (building or construction materials).
Building Digital Skills Funding Guidelines- Round 28
Please visit Be Connected Network- Building Digital Skills Grants for more information and related documents, including example case studies and Building Digital Skills Grant timetables.
Be Connected, Building Digital Skills Grants Applications
Perpetual IMPACT Philanthropy Program 2022
Perpetual Limited
Closed: Friday 3 December 2021
The Perpetual IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program enables philanthropists and Not-for-Profits (NFPs) to connect, and allows NFPs to demonstrate how they improve outcomes for the communities in which they operate. They encourage high quality outcomes by identifying organisations that can maximise their impact through:
- Good governance
- Solid leadership
- Strong strategy
- An outcomes focus.
Funding is provided for a range of projects at different developmental stages including, but not limited to, pilot and existing projects, capacity building and operational costs.
Applicants are encouraged to view all resources provided below before preparing and submitting an application.
Download the 2022 IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program Guidelines
Download the 2022 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Download the SAMPLE 2021 Application Form
Applications are opening soon: REGISTER YOUR INTEREST.
For queries, please contact Perpetual Philanthropic Services on 1800 501 227 during business hours or email and quote your application number.
Queensland Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs
Closing: 10 December 2021
The Queensland Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs recently opened another funding round for projects aimed at building social cohesion and celebrating diversity. Applications are invited for projects that will build social cohesion and connection in diverse communities across Queensland.
Eligible applicants can apply for funding in two categories:
Category 1 – Economic and Social Participation Projects
- Innovative projects based on identified need that create pathways to participation for people from culturally diverse backgrounds in the economic, social and cultural life of Queensland.
- One-off funding up to $40,000 available for projects to be delivered from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.
Category 2 – Youth and Community Connection Projects
- For innovative projects that can assist with breaking down the barriers facing young people from culturally diverse backgrounds that can result in feelings of disengagement or disconnection with the community, and to increase their access to, and inclusion within the community.
- Projects receiving funding under this category are to ensure young people from culturally diverse backgrounds are leading in identifying the barrier/need to be addressed, as well as the planning, design, delivery and evaluation.
- One-off funding of between $5,000 to $120,000 is available. Project implementation timeframe can be up to two years. Projects are to be delivered between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2024.
For further information and details about the funding priorities and mandatory funding criteria for each category, please refer to the grant guidelines below:
Please note, due to the high demand for funding, only one application per category for an organisation will be accepted.
For queries and further information about the program, you can contact the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs by emailing
If you need advice in developing your funding application, or if you require information about funding sources, you can contact the Community Funding Access Advisor at Multicultural Australia Ltd (Amelia Salmon) on (07) 3337 5400, or email
Please apply online through SmartyGrants, by selecting the link for the relevant project category below:
- Category 1 – Economic and Social Participation Projects
- Preview the application form (PDF, 208 KB)
- Category 2 – Youth and Community Connection Projects
- Preview the application form (PDF, 206 KB)
For more information about applying online, you can read the SmartyGrants – Help Guide for Applicants.You can also contact SmartyGrants directly on: Telephone (03) 9320 6888; Email
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 30 November 2021
*Please note that applications are no longer being accepted for employing businesses, not-for-profit organisations and non-employing sole traders.
Employing businesses can track the status of existing, submitted applications by visiting the QRIDA portal. More information is available from the Business Queensland website.
Afghan-Australian Community & Settlement Support Grant Program – Round 1
Migration Council Australia, supported by the Australian Government
Closed: 23 December 2021
The Afghan-Australian Community and Settlement Support Grant Program supports Afghan-Australian and other community and grassroot organisations undertaking critical work to welcome and support people recently evacuated from Afghanistan.
Through an open, competitive process, the program provides grants to organisations to facilitate positive settlement outcomes for newly arrived Afghan people.
Two grant rounds will be held between November 2021 and June 2023. Grant round one is now open, and applications close on Thursday, 23 December 2021.
Please click on the links below to register for one of the Zoom meeting information sessions at the following dates and times :
November 30, 6:00 PM AEDT
December 7, 12:30 PM AEDT
December 14, 5:00 PM AEDT
For more information on the program please visit:
Before commencing an application, please carefully read the details included in the Grant Program Guidelines, Grant Rounds and Funding pages and the Afghan-Australian
Community and Settlement Support Grants Program Information Booklet.
For queries, please contact Migration Council Australia at:
Please note, applications will be accepted via the online submission form on the Afghan-Australia Community & Settlement Support website. An offline copy of the application form is also available for draft purposes.
Australian Government Stronger Communities Programme – Round 7
Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
Closed: 19 January 2022 The Stronger Communities Programme provides each of the 151 Federal electorates with $150,000 to fund small capital projects. These projects aim to improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant viable communities. Federal Members of Parliament (MPs) identify potential projects and invite applications from their electorate.
The program intends to encourage and support participation in local projects, improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant and viable communities. Round 7 of the program will continue to support Australia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. For this special round, grant funding will be up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs except for local governing bodies where grant funding will be up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs.
Community consultation is a critical element of the program. In consultation with their community, each MP must identify potential applicants and projects in their electorate and invite them to apply for a grant. Invited applications will be assessed against the program’s eligibility criteria through a closed non-competitive process.
Each electorate has total funding of up to $150,000 that can be allocated to successful applications. A maximum of 20 projects will be funded in each electorate.
Funding grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 are available for application.
Please ensure you read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines & Key Documents before commencing an application. The guidelines provide detailed information on this opportunity and how to apply.
For queries, please contact a Grants Officer by phone on 132846, or email:
Australian Government National Suicide Prevention Leadership & Support Program
Australian Government Department of Health
Closed: 28 January 2022
The National Suicide Prevention Leadership & Support Program grants will provide funding for activities aimed at reducing suicide deaths and suicidal behaviour across the Australian population. This is particularly amongst at risk populations and communities, such as marginalised youth and cultural groups and those living in rural and remote areas. Applications may be submitted under one or more of seven activities.
To be eligible you must:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN);
- be registered for the purposes of GST;
- be a permanent resident of Australia;
- have an account with an Australian financial institution; and
- be located in Australia.
And you must be one of the following entity types:
- a company incorporated in Australia;
- a company incorporated by guarantee;
- an incorporated association;
- a partnership;
- an Indigenous Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.
You can also apply as one of the following:
- a joint (consortium) application with a lead organisation;
- a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation;
- a publicly funded research organisation as defined in the Glossary; or
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust (where you apply as a trustee on behalf of a trust, please apply using the trustee name, not the name of the trust).
Further information and recommendations for application are available at Grant– GO5248. Please submit your application by 2pm, 28 January 2022 using the online application form (available via the red ”Go Documents” tab on the left hand side of the GrantConnect webpage. Once you have submitted your online application, you will receive an automatic email with your Submission Reference ID. Retain this number if you wish to query your application with the Department. For additional assistance please contact the Health Grants Team on (Ph:) 02 6289 5600, or (Email:)
Sisters of Charity Foundation Community Grants Program 2022
Sisters of Charity Foundation
Closed: 5 February 2022
The Sisters of Charity Foundation work to help fight poverty, loneliness, suffering and oppression in our communities. They deliver practical, real world support to smaller “grass-roots” organisations that cannot find help from more traditional sources of funding. Eligible community organisations unable to qualify for assistance through other existing channels are invited to apply for grants of up to $15,000. Once accepted as an eligible applicant, they work closely with organisations to understand exactly what is needed, so they can ensure you receive the best quality outcomes.
Eligibility criteria:
- The organisation’s mission and operations, and the proposed program, are consistent with the application guidelines of the Sisters of Charity Foundation, and must make a huge difference to those in need.
- The applicant is able to demonstrate the knowledge and the expertise necessary to implement the program as well as the skills necessary for the sustainable management of the program and the responsible stewardship of resources.
- The applicant organisation has the support of its Board, or in the case of an individual, the proposer’s supporting authority.
- The organisation is not-for-profit and has Income Tax Exempt Charity (ITEC) status and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 status.
- The organisation’s annual income is less than $1 million.
The Sisters of Charity Foundation favours programs that:
- provide compassion, hope and practical assistance
- are not associated with well established organisations with significant reserves and/or are not capable of raising their own funds
- are not eligible for funding from government or other sources.
More information and guidelines for application are available from: How to Apply for a Sisters of Charity Foundation Community Grant.
Expressions of Interest close Saturday, 5 February 2022, 11:59pm. Selected EOIs will be invited to submit a full application.
For further assistance please contact the Sisters of Charity Foundation by phone on: +61 2 9367 1211, or email:
Queensland Social Enterprise Sector Development Grants
Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Closed: 11 February 2022
The Queensland Social Enterprise Sector Development Grants Program will provide grants of between $10,000 and $200,000 for projects that support the development and growth of the social enterprise ecosystem in Queensland.
Eligible applicants are sector intermediary organisations or significant ecosystem developers with experience in building the skills, capability and capacity of social enterprises. Such intermediaries may include:
- incubator and accelerator program providers
- social entrepreneurs
- social enterprise networks
- research providers
- academic institutions.
Individual social enterprises may be eligible to apply, but only where their primary role is to provide incubator or accelerator programs, or are active in the ecosystem development.
Organisations must complete and submit the online application form and supporting documentation by the closing date of 5pm, Friday 11 February 2022 to be considered for a grant.
The following program documents are available to assist with your online application. Please ensure you read the guidelines before you complete your application:
- Sector Development Grants funding guidelines (PDF, 193KB)
- Sector Development Grants frequently asked questions (FAQs) (PDF, 192KB)
- Project Budget template (XLSX, 40KB) – Used to show itemised costs for total grant funds that are applied for.
For further assistance please email:
Please use the Online Application Form provided to apply. Please attach all supporting documents and submit with your Social Enterprise Sector Development Grants Online Application Form.
Please note that you must complete and submit the Online Application Form and supporting documents by closing date of 5pm, Friday 11 February 2022 to be considered for a Social Enterprise Sector Development Grant.
James N. Kirby Foundation 2021-2022 Small Grants
James N. Kirby Foundation
Closed: 14 February 2022
The James N. Kirby Foundation considers grant requests under the following four categories, seeking to support organisations and programs whose work benefits: Education and Technology; The Environment; Health; and Social Welfare, and The Arts. The Foundation seeks to support projects and organisations whose work:
- is innovative in nature;
- will be capacity building;
- will inspire and provide lasting social change.
Funding grants of $3,000 to $15,000 are available.
James N Kirby Foundation Small Grants 2021-2022
Please note, that the Foundation can only consider requests from organisations with current Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement.
James N Kirby Foundation Small Grants Application Form 2021-2022
Queensland Community Foundation (QCF) Regional Grants
Queensland Community Foundation
Closed: 17 February 2022
Queensland Community Foundation (QCF) is the only inclusive state-wide community foundation seeking to meet the social needs of Queensland into the future. To achieve this QCF supports over two hundred charitable organisations each year through its distribution of income and grant-making.
Charitable organisations in one of Queensland Community Foundation’s QCF four regional areas are invited to submit an application for a small grant. You can find further details for each of these regions at the following links: Gold Coast; Sunshine Coast; Toowoomba region and North Queensland.
More information and recommendations to apply are available at: QCF Regional Grants 2022
For enquiries and further assistance please contact QCF by Phone: 07 3360 3854, or Email:
Department of Health Parenting Education & Support Grants Program
Australian Government Department of Health
Closed: 17 February 2022
The purpose of the Parenting Education and Support Grants Program is to engage an organisation to deliver an online, evidence-based program that provides interactive, engaging and easily navigable parenting resources, strategies and learning tools. The parenting program is aimed at parents and carers with a child 0-11 years of age and is delivered as part of a supportive national parenting promotion campaign.
Objectives of the Parenting Program are:
- Increased availability and access to online evidence-based parenting education and support.
- Improved parent and carer mental health literacy and use of evidence-based parenting strategies.
- Improved confidence of parents and carers to support the mental health and wellbeing of their children, including identification of potential problem behaviours and when and how to access early intervention and support.
- Improved mental health and wellbeing outcomes for children and their families, including behavioural outcomes, emotional wellbeing, and resilience outcomes.
- Increased public perception on benefits of parenting programs as a normal, proactive parenting option for new and experienced parents and carers.
- Reduced stigma of parents and carers to ask for help and support for themselves and their children.
- Additional referral pathway and support for health professionals, maternal and child health centres, headspace services, Adult Mental Health Centres, Health to Health Kids Hubs, PHNs and educators to refer parents and carers requiring additional parenting support and education.
Intended outcomes of the Parenting Program grant opportunity are:
- Provide universal, freely available, access for all Australian parents and carers with a child 0-11 years of age to evidence based, best practice online parenting strategies and resources.
- Implement a national multi-media communication campaign aimed at promoting the availability and value of the Parenting Program and promote to at-risk groups.
For more information, please visit the GrantConnect website – GO ID:GO5357.
Please submit your application by email to: ,
with the email subject line “GO5357 Application,” followed by your organisation’s name.
Please ensure all documents are loaded by closing time of Thursday 17 February 2022, 2.00pm.
For additional assistance please contact the department on (02) 6289 5600, or email:
2022 NAIDOC Local Grants Round
National Indigenous Australians Agency, in partnership with the Australian GovernmentClosed: 22 February 2022
Eligible entities are invited to apply for funding for the 2022 NAIDOC Local Grants Round, delivered under Program 1.4 – Culture and Capability of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS).
This grant provides funding to Indigenous and non‑Indigenous organisations to contribute to the costs of local and regional NAIDOC activities across Australia.
NAIDOC activities should align with the 2022 theme ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’.
The objectives of the program are to promote:
- the expression, engagement and conservation of Indigenous Australians’ cultures
- Indigenous Australians’ participation in the social and economic life of Australia through healing, and strengthening the capability, governance and leadership of Indigenous Australians, organisations and communities, and
- broader understanding and acceptance of the unique place of Indigenous Australians’ cultures in Australian society.
Applications close 9pm (AEDT) on 22 February 2022.
For more information and to apply for this opportunity, please visit the Community Grants Hub and GrantConnect websites, where the Grant Opportunity Documents and further guidance is readily available.
To apply please visit the online application form available on the GrantConnect website.
For further assistance, please contact the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 (option 1), or email sends e-mail).
QCF General Fund Organisational Capacity Building Grants
Queensland Community Foundation
Closed: 26 February 2022
The Queensland Community Foundation’s (QCF) Organisational Capacity Building Grants assist charities to develop their structures, systems, people, and skills to deliver improved outcomes for our community. Typically, capacity building focuses on education and training, recruiting, maintaining, or recognising volunteers, information technology support systems, staff training, planning and governance (which may include strategic plans, constitution reviews or board appraisals).
The General Fund 2022 grant round will concentrate organisational capacity building of mid-tier organisations (annual revenue less than $10m) building community resilience. Organisations must be Queensland based, with all grant funds going to help Queenslanders in the region of application.
QCF General Fund 2022 Grant Criteria & Guidelines
Please note, Deductible Gift Recipient Item 1 (DGR1) status is required for application. DGR 1 status can be confirmed by entering your ABN on the Australian Business Register website.
General Fund Grants 2022 Online Application
Enquiries can be directed to QCF by Phone: 07 3360 3854 and Email:
NAB Foundation Community Grants 2022
NAB Foundation
Closing: Round 1- 28 February 2022
Increasingly, Australian communities are being impacted by natural disasters as our climate changes. NAB Foundation Community Grants fund local projects that help communities prepare for natural disasters, support long-term recovery and build resilience against future disasters. Grants of up to $10,000 are available for community-led projects that do one or more of the following:
- Readiness: help communities (people, environments, infrastructure) prepare for natural disasters
- Recovery: help communities, landscapes and fauna rebuild and rehabilitate after natural disasters
- Future-proofing: reduce the risk of future natural disasters by cutting a community’s carbon emissions.
For this round in 2022, funding will be prioritised for community led-projects focused on:
Readiness: help communities (people, environments, infrastructure) prepare for natural disasters | Prioritised funding areas
Recovery: help communities, landscapes and fauna rebuild and rehabilitate after natural disasters | Prioritised funding areas
Future-proofing: reduce the risk of future natural disasters by cutting a community’s carbon emissions | Prioritised funding areas
The following groups may apply for a grant to support a project, program or initiative:
- Australian charities
- Social enterprises
- Community organisations with a charitable purpose
- Local governance or government-funded facility (such as a school or childcare centre) seeking funding for a program that furthers charitable purpose.
For more information and application please visit: NAB Foundation Community Grants 2022
Please note that all applications need to be submitted online. Applications via email or post will not be accepted. If you are experiencing difficulty with your application, please visit the NAB Help and Support – Contact Us webpage.
In 2022 Round closing dates are:
-Round 1: 28 February 2022;
-Round 2: 31 August 2022.
Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Better Suburbs Grants
Brisbane City Council
Closing: Community Support Category applications will remain open until all available funding is expended.
Community Facility Category applications will have two round closing dates on 1 November 2021 and 21 February 2022.
The Lord Mayor’s Better Suburbs Grants program supports not-for-profit community organisations to deliver projects and activities across the city and to maintain, improve and develop community facilities. The program consists of two categories:
Community Support Category
The Community Support Category provides funding to support projects that respond to local community needs, improve community facilities and build organisational capacity. Applications are open year-round to maximise flexibility and responsiveness. Applications will remain open until all funds are expended.
Community Facility Category
The Community Facility Category provides funding to improve, develop and maintain community facilities, with preference provided to Council community-leased facilities. Funding is available for the planning, design and construction phases of projects. Applications are open year-round and will be assessed on 1 November 2021 and 21 February 2022.
For the Community Support Category you can apply for grant funding up to $10,000.
For the Community Facility Category you can apply for grant funding ranging from $10,000 to $200,000.
For more information about the Lord Mayor’s Better Suburbs Grants including how to apply, please read the program guidelines:
Please note that applicants must:
- Be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation, or be auspiced by a not-for-profit organisation;
- Community Facility Category applicants will also need to own the land or community
- facility, or have the authority to undertake the proposed works on a Council community leased facility.
For assistance with additional queries, please contact the Council Grants Administration Unit by phone on: 07 3403 8888, or email: