Home / Community Support
This quick guide provides links to select sources of financial assistance to community groups, as well as options for individuals looking for advice on the process of applying for funding – writing grant applications can be daunting, but there are many ways to seek support, such as:
Utilising the Mentoring for Growth’s Ask a mentor series to access the expertise of mentors and discuss your funding needs – they can usually offer valuable suggestions on how to improve your pitch.
Using the fact sheets available on The Funding Centre website: https://explore.fundingcentre.com.au/help-sheets/writing-grant
Visiting the Grants Hub resources page, for application hints and tips, budget development resources, and basic writing dos and don’ts.
Checking the legal issues that may arise for community organisations when they apply for and receive a grant or funding. https://www.nfplaw.org.au/free-resources/fundraising-and-holding-events/grant-funding
Brisbane City Council – Brisbane City Council’s community grant programs help fund local non-profit community groups. This funding helps to develop and improve community facilities and services in Brisbane. Grants also help meet the housing and social needs of people experiencing homelessness and support community groups facing financial hardship.
The Queensland Government website list grants and funding opportunities for your organisation, as well as advice and tools to assist you in developing your grant application. Specifically for sport and recreation organisations, and artists and art organisations, the Queensland Government Recreation, Sport and Arts page will link you to Sport and Recreation funding programs, and arts funding programs, grants and sponsorships.
The Queensland Government website list grants and funding opportunities for your organisation, as well as advice and tools to assist you in developing your grant application. Specifically for sport and recreation organisations, and artists and art organisations, the Queensland Government Recreation, Sport and Arts page will link you to Sport and Recreation funding programs, and arts funding programs, grants and sponsorships.
The Celebrating Multicultural Queensland Grants Program provides funding to events and projects that promote cultural diversity and inclusiveness in the community.
The Queensland Community Foundation (QCF) is a public charitable trust set up to serve the state’s communities by providing a permanent funding source for charity. QCF supports over two hundred charitable organisations each year through its distribution of income and grant-making.
The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation provides information and links to a number of community benefit programs that are funded by gaming revenue and provide grants to local organisations. Most notable is the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF), Queensland’s largest one-off community grants program and distributes approximately $60 million each year to not-for-profit community groups.
In addition to Council and government grant funding opportunities, there are a range of enterprises that support community projects, such as the Sidney Myer Fund & the Myer Foundation which provides grants in four key areas: the arts and humanities; education; poverty and disadvantage; and sustainability and the environment, and the Telstra Foundation, which provides community development grants for technological innovation projects aimed at children and young people.
The Woolworths Group also provides support to local community organisations and charities, and the CommBank Staff Foundation aims specifically to assist community groups with youth programs focused on health, education and social inclusion.
We’re working to bridge the digital divide through our Digital Literacy training, which equips Queenslanders from migrant and refugee backgrounds with foundational computer skills.
Our Digital Literacy program helps clients access information, services, and opportunities often only available online. It helps them build confidence and empowers them to participate as able members of their communities.
We who have come from many places acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land which always was and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island land. We pay our respects to their Elders throughout all time. We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past and the shared hope for the future.
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