Brisbane Community Centre

Community Centre Locations

Multipurpose Room Venue Hire

The Brisbane Multicultural Centre (BMC) offers up to seven multipurpose rooms split over two floors that are perfect for presentations, conferences, meetings, lectures, seminars and workshops. They are spacious and private and can be hired individually or combined for larger functions.

Some of the rooms are separated by a retractable wall and are able to be combined to cater to larger groups. The BMC caters for groups as small as 10, to larger functions of up to 150 individuals.

Access to a community kitchen is available to facilitate catering your events, and the BMC provides seating, tables, and assorted workshop supports.

If you are interested, please email Multicultural Australia at


Open Hours
Mon - Fri (excluding Wed)
9:00am - 5:00pm
1.00pm to 5:00pm
Testi Left
Testi Right Bg

We who have come from many places acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land which always was and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island land. We pay our respects to their Elders throughout all time. We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past and the shared hope for the future.

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