Q Shelter and Multicultural Australia are calling on Queensland government leaders and key decision-makers to engage in thoughtful discussions about migration and long-term population planning to ensure a prosperous and inclusive Queensland for all residents.
Multicultural Australia CEO, Christine Castley, emphasised the importance of meaningful discourse.
“Migration should not be used as a scapegoat for housing shortages and systemic issues,” Ms Castley said.
“Instead, the focus must be on comprehensive, long-term planning to address the challenges we face.”
Q Shelter CEO, Fiona Caniglia, echoed this sentiment, stressing the need for collaboration across all levels of leadership.
“The housing crisis we face today is the result of decades of underinvestment in social housing,” Ms Caniglia said.
“Migration levels, both pre- and post-pandemic, are not the primary cause of these challenges.
“Housing prices have been rising even as annual migration levels remained steady before the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Reducing migration as a solution is not only unsupported by data but also carries significant social and economic consequences.”
Ms Castley reiterated the need for an in-depth discussion on migration:
“In regions like South-East Queensland, the internal movement of Australian residents compounds the effects of both immigration and natural population growth.
“In 2023, Queensland and Western Australia were the only two states with positive interstate migration, at 31,000+ and 10,000+ respectively.
“And by example, skilled migrants are crucial in the construction sector; thus, the conversation must also focus on the significant economic contributions migrants make in Queensland.”
Ms Castley and Caniglia both cautioned against using migration as a focal point for populist rhetoric.
“Shifting the blame and pitting groups against each other does not help us move forward,” Ms Castley warned.
“At Multicultural Australia, we are committed to building a community that is welcoming, caring and inclusive.”
“We do this in partnership with sector partners such as Q Shelter, government, corporates, and communities.
“It is therefore imperative that leaders across our community commit to engaging in conversations that are productive and contribute to nation building.”
To tackle Queensland’s housing affordability issues, Q Shelter and Multicultural Australia advocate for increasing housing supply in line with demand, as opposed to placing undue blame on migrant communities.
About Multicultural Australia
Multicultural Australia is Queensland’s leading humanitarian settlement provider, dedicated to promoting a diverse and inclusive community, where people from all cultures can contribute and thrive.
About Q Shelter
Q Shelter works to ensure that all Queenslanders have access to affordable, safe, and appropriate housing, advocating for systemic solutions to housing challenges.
For Media enquiries, please contact:
Stanton Dunn
Communications, Marketing and Events Manager, Multicultural Australia
0493 291 699