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Volunteering at Multicultural Australia

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Our volunteers make a tangible difference in the lives of our clients, community and organisation. 

Join us and be part of shaping a better future for all – a welcome, inclusive, globally connected, and economically stronger community.

We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities to fit the diverse lifestyles of Queenslanders – from university students wanting work experience to professionals interested in using their skills for a good cause and retired Australians keen to make a difference in their local community.

Scroll down to view current volunteer opportunities available at Multicultural Australia.

Volunteer opportunities
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We are proud of the difference we have made in the lives of refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, and international students.

Our volunteers contribute to a range of activities in welcome programs, mens and womens groups, conversational English classes, youth engagement and more.

Current roles include:

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We hold a range of events to help change the conversation about migrant and refugee communities in wider society.
Our volunteers play a vital role in the success of our events. We have opportunities for events volunteers to provide support in an ongoing capacity on an ad-hoc basis. 
Volunteer benefits
Your Volunteering Journey with Multicultural Australia
7 Steps Volunteering
Clients cared for since 2017
0 +
Years of experience
+ 0
Event attendees annually
0 +

Send us your details and we’ll be in touch soon about how you can make a difference in the community as a volunteer with Welcome and Connect, a transformative program that connects established Queenslanders with newly arrived refugee families to help them adapt to life in Australia.


We who have come from many places acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land which always was and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island land. We pay our respects to their Elders throughout all time. We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past and the shared hope for the future.

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